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MIND GAMES (4th & concludingpart)



(continued from 3rd part)

“If I were you, I’ll save my neck”, the devil entered into the prophet’s mind to start another game. Lucifer went on to show him how Jezebel single-handedly jettisoned God’s established Jewish worship and successfully installed her Baal religion in Israel“. “I, Elijah, the dreaded, famous prophet of God stands to be put to shame by a mere alien woman. I cannot allow Satan to receive pleasurable satisfaction!” Elijah did not realize that all Satan did was just to script those lines and played it back in the prophet’s mind, using the prophet’s very voice. Elijah thought that he was the one thinking those thoughts. He believed that his fears were God sanctioned. Elijah was felled by a game of fear. He had been had!

This one was sired by Iscariot, who was christened Judas. His name means praise (of Jehovah). What Satan had for a long time sown in him was greed. Judas Iscariot could not resist the game of misappropriation. He saw himself getting rich. In Satan’s bid to make him an incorrigible figure he fed Judas on the meals of apathy towards the ministry of Jesus. Satan made him console and embolden himself with, “After all no one will suspect me of embezzlement”.

Apostle Peter was caught in the web of the mind game as well. Peter would rather be in the good books of his religious Jewish people than instill confidence in the hearts of Gentle converts as Galatians 2:11-12, “But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed. For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision”, enlightens.

The designer of this mind game is the great angel, Lucifer, who degenerated into the rapscallion, bent on a mission of perfidious mendacity. This entity has nothing to hope for: eternally condemned to hell. To place Satan on top of his fiendish game he had to set up religious institutions. Man was made to worship his Maker. Sin removed man from the fellowship that developed into a rapport with God. Man felt a vacuum and rather than cry out for help from his Creator man sunk into a pity party. Satan, capitalizing on man’s resultant vulnerability, mesmerized him into seeing himself in a quagmire. Religion was the opium that Lucifer presented as the panacea. He entered into an uncanny pact with philosophizing brilliant thinkers who upped the game of the mind.

Lucifer, the god of all religions, establishes and sets the rules of religious activities to galvanize his spiritual lordship over man and of the mind game. Take a good look at religious adherents’ epileptic fits in the rites of worship. This is the validation of demonic possession. “And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets” is what the Bible says in 1Corinthians 14:32. A master stroke, evil in its ingenuity, by the Devil, is the in-road into the Church à la Catholicism. It was his deceptive in-road into Church affairs which erected for the Church, the façade of religion. Lucifer did this to perfect a portrayal of ‘the way, truth and life’ in his imposture bid of Jesus. Of the seven billion population of the globe, probably six billion are religionists or atheists, which actuates his desire of Isaiah 14:14, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High”.

The cultivation of religious institutions, giving room for atheism, produced the fruition of the spirit of flippancy, which ensured Cain’s disrespect for God’s instruction as pertaining to the sacrificial elements for sin. Satan knows that most times God would not descend on sinners immediately so, he treats them with the spirit of flippant tendencies and making sure he gives them successes in every venture. Cain ran a city of immense wealth, the delusion of which made him to think that he did not need God, the Creator. Very rich and successful individuals of the world of today, are atheists, agnostics and cultists; and it is all part of the mind game deceit. Why would you hear a lot of them query, “When will this your Jesus come?” and conclude with, ”Let’s face facts, God doesn’t really exist…”.

Through ancestral worship, Satan has networked his trade through the hearts of everybody. Who does not have, in his ancestry, a familiar spirit of demonism to contend with? I, personally, come from a family of masquerade worshipping ancestors. Once upon a time, in my dream, I made a purchase of a ballpoint pen. I asked the seller to give me something to test the smooth writing quality of the blue ballpoint pen. A card was handed to me to ensure I was buying what it was worth parting with my money. I just decided to scribble a scrawl and lo and behold a very legible script, not in the blue ink I intended buying was, “Alaaake, you are under my feet”, in red ink!

Those who play games with Satan are always ending up as his trophies. You will make Lucifer the most miserable loser in your life when you decide never to partake in his games. Every game of his is always a dirty one so, is there any way you can play his evil game and you will remain spiritually unstained? Ponder.

By the grace of God, in the name of Jesus and through the leading of the Holy Spirit I had slammed the evil spirit inherent in the Ojewale of Alaaake, bruising him under my feet shortly (Romans 16:20). So, I am always saying that Alaaake, the demonic familiar spirit of my family home, and I have met and I have shown him who is greater and he knows. I, therefore, bare Ojewale with a certain pride knowing fully well that anytime I answer the name Ojewale that demon remembers how I floored him and that I am fully aware of where he is, as far as we are concerned. Having overcome Lucifer’s representative, Satan is vanquished because the Bible warns, “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices” (2Cor 2:11).

I have decided never to play any game with the Devil. He has been in existence for billions of years, hence, too formidable an opponent to trifle with. I am constantly looking unto Jesus (Hebrews 12:2) in order to exercise my faith thereby strengthening myself against every noema of Lucifer, who is now Satan, the Devil. Looking unto Jesus, most certainly, takes my focus off Satan, making me unavailable for his wicked mind games.

Read the 1st, 2nd & 3rd parts here




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My name is H.O. Ojewale. I was born in 17th March, 1955, in the then Gold Coast, now Ghana, Greater Accra. My parents are Nigerians. I am married with three wonderful children.


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