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August 2019


If it is pertaining to soteriological theme, and we all understand that God alone can save, then this Son is the incarnation of the holy One of Israel, and most absolutely, the LORD God who did form Adam and his woman in the Garden of Eden. He had come to retrieve that which Adam lost. "And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world" [1John 4:14]. If Jesus is the Saviour, with a capital 'S' then one of my favourite verses, "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made" [John 1:3], is the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Amen. Read More


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Divine methodology regarding the marital machinery places the woman of the conjugal relationship in the state of hupotassō under her husband. How would she learn and love, with all her heart, to submit to him if she does not ask for his oracular guidance very often? If the man you intend to marry is definitely beneath your spiritual maturity, reconsider your conjugal intention because this spiritual disequilibrium can cast a spiritual spell of stagnation. It can be a disaffecting constant vexation of your heart. It will be a harrowing experience of an excruciating degree finding out an impossibility to maximise your spiritual potentials. Marriage is a very serious business! The spiritual inequilibrium is the bane of divorcement!Read More


Love is not a feeling. It is a commitment. A great man of God defines love saying, "A love called out of the heart of the lover on account of the value placed on the object of his love." For believing the finished work of salvation by Jesus, God places a huge value upon the regenerate soul. The husband, understanding the love of Jesus, goes to do likewise to his wife. The 'love' expressed is the Greek agape, 'an unconditional affection.' There is, therefore, no excuse for not loving the wife. None whatsoever. Ephesians 5:22 tells the woman, "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord." What is the Greek word for 'submit'? It is hupotassō (hoop-ot-as'-so): 'to arrange under, to subordinate, obey.' Hupotassō comes from hupo (under) and tasso (arrange properly).Read More