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October 2022


Usman wrote: "The government of a country is the government of its king without question. If the king is a Muslim, his land is Muslim; if he is an unbeliever, his land is a land of unbelievers. In these circumstances it is obligatory for anyone to leave it for another country." Going by Usman dan Fodio’s philosophic understanding, should he not have left Nigeria for another country like Saudi Arabia? Rather than co-exist with the people peacefully, he resorted to Muhammadan jihadism. Do your studies well to find out how the Emirates of Northern Nigeria emerged. They were of jihadic establishments. You cannot wage jihadism without spilling the blood of anyone who would not chorus, “Allah is the greatest, and Muhammad is his prophet.” Abdullahi dan Fodio, brother of Shehu ɗan Fodio stated that their family are part Fulani, and part Arabs, they are Arabs through Uqba ibn Nafi who was an Arab Muslim of the Umayyad branch of the Quraysh, and hence, a member of the family of the Prophet, Uqba ibn Nafi allegedly married a Fulani woman called Bajjumangbu through which the Torodbe family of Usman ɗan Fodio descended. We know what to expect from a descendant of Muhammad. The Islamic bond to Allah’s prophet must of necessity keep the flag of jihad flying. As long as Muhammadan jihad keeps resonating in the Islamic mind, blood must continue to flow to the sanguinary glory of Allah!Read More


Is there any mention of marriage or long hours of coitional orgies in the above Scripture? Sheath your jihadism and allow the spirit of ‘live and let live;' after all, Islam is supposed to be a religion of peace. Another reason people were killed in Israel for disobeying God’s injunctive Scriptures is simply because Israel was a theocratic State, under the divine hegemony of Jehovah, run by Mosaic legalism. After the death of Jesus Christ, on the day of Pentecost, that theocracy was suspended. No country is run on Theocratic Government. If there is anything of that governance, it will be strictly be that of the Christian Nation – without the Mosaic legalistic rod – and by Christianity I do not mean church goers; a Christian is a born again child of God. Amen.Read More


Honestly, I do not have any problem with Islamic jihadism as long as it remains in their thought realms and stays unimplemented. You say you have a God, called by the Arabic Allah. The Hindu has Brahman as the name of their deity. Tao runs the spiritual lives of Taoism. The teachings of Buddha remain the constant spurring spiritual elixir to the Buddhists. The chants of Ifá oracle (of Yoruba prominence) enliven the spirits of its worshippers. Mention the name of Jesus Christ and the soul of the redeemed Christian, child of the Almighty Jehovah, who cannot afford to forget the saving grace of his Saviour, will go into the effusion of the glossolalia, concluding with the unmistakable shout of, “Hallelujah!” Not so when the wake-up call of, “Allahu Akbar!” grips the ears of the staunch Moslem, true and faithful Muslims get injections of galvanism to wage jihadic wars against non-Islamic adherents. Why is Muhammadanism of Islam different?Read More


For believing in Jesus Christ and His sacrificial atonement, the Christian must be despicably disgraced by making him pay jizya, meant for a kufr – pagan. How could the Qur’an see you as a religiously worthless person and Muslim fundamentalism will not be drafted in for the kill, in the name of Allah? The danger we do not see in this religious legality ascription to Islamism, from Allah of Muhammedan Qur’an, is that it satanically evokes the corruption of man’s free moral agency. If religion puts power to sentence fellow human to death for not believing Muhammad and his Qur’an by jihadists, taking into consideration, the fact that the victim of Islamic fundamentalism is a firm Bible believing, born again Christian, where is religious tolerance, equity and love for fellow human? After “loving the LORD God with all your heart, mind, thought and strength, the word of God appropriately commands to “love your neighbour as thyself.” Who, therefore, I ask, is this Allah? Read More


Let it be known that jihadism will continue to experience global thrive. It is simply because Islamism of Muhammadism, serving as the protocolary constitution, the bourne of Muslim fundamentalism, is designed to culminate in political hegemony. The machinery of its enforcement is none other than jihadism. This, as far as the Bible is concerned, is the satanic position of the Qur’an. Having been endued with divine authority by the Holy Spirit, the Apostles needed not use undue forcefulness to disseminate the gospel of Adamic reconciliation with the God. The Quranic position sees unbelievers of Muhammad’s doctrines as enemies that must be summarily eliminated. So many Muhammadan revelations prove Islamic empowerment to kill people of other faiths of the world. Read More


2Peter 1:19 “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:” where ‘Day Star’ is phōsphoros (foce-for’-os) meaning: ‘light bringing, giving light, the planet Venus, the morning star, day star, metaphorically is Christ.’ It is the same expectancy in the heart of every Christian that Apostle Peter is reminding us of, who are the born again, children of the Most High. Of course I do know that its ascription to Venus is done by idolatrous illuminism of Satanism – in the demonic bid to hoist the deity of Lucifer. The Devil may be unquestionably the god of this cosmos – i.e. the satanic arrangement –, but we also know that if Adam had not fallen, there is no conceivable way of an apotheotic stance of Luciferian thrust on Adamic earth. God does not share in His glory (Isaiah 42:8) therefore, Christ, as the Second Member of the Godhead, will never share the Divinity of His effulgent glory with an unworthy Lucifer. Amen. Read More