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Who Is The True Author Of Salvation? (Four)

I do understand that we have different theological beliefs based on the didactic stance of individual’s religion of profession. I cannot be unwise enough to force my biblical orientation on anybody. Anyone, as free moral agent, has the volitional will to embrace any spiritual way of life. But it should, I understand, be known that anyone who jettisons the teachings of the Bible definitely does it at his own peril. Selah! If God’s protocolary documentation disciplines us to understand that “by their fruits ye shall know them”, the prophet of Ahura Mazda has evidently shown a marked distinction between Jehovah and Ahura Mazda. Ahura Mazda, the wise lord, albeit, all-wise this god worshipped by Xerses of Babylon lacks the quiddity of the Omnipotent Jehovah Jesus. It took eternality of power to have wrought the soteriology. God the Father used His Omnipotence to bring Jesus Christ back from death in order to actuate the soteriology. Amen. The God of the Bible is the true Author of salvation. The difference between Ahura Mazda and Jehovah is in the definitions of their names; one is ‘Wise Lord’ and the other is ‘I Am That I Am’. Jehovah is the covenant name of salvation. Jehovah means “One Who is, by His own power!”Read More

Who Is The True Author Of Salvation? (Three)

Hodos establishes the facticity of “for without Me ye can do nothing!” So, what does “I AM, Way, Truth and Life” prognosticate? It undoubtedly establishes the Deity of Jesus. Hinduism treads on metaphysical approach. The thing is that, any attempt at metaphysical hodos that has not the foundation of the Bible is an absolute esotericism based on Satanism. “There is a way that seemeth right,” King Solomon warns. Zoroastrianism – Their idea of salvation is that if the individual struggles against evil and wins, they go into the place called heaven. Therefore, their concept of salvation: a winning struggle against evil in one's life. Zoroaster’s Ahura Mazdā is the personification of good. This God of Zoroastrianism is in constant struggle with the evil force of Angra Mainyu (also referred to in later texts as "Ahriman") for supremacy. Can Lucifer stand in contention with the God of the Bible of Whom it is written: “Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same. Our hope must continually lean on Jesus, the Author of salvation. Universalism is alien to Scripture. Origen grew up on the foundation of Catholicism, therefore, I cannot be surprised if he should mute the concept of universal salvation.Read More

Who Is The True Author Of Salvation? (Two)

John 15:5 “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” No ordinary man could have uttered this statement. Only the Author of the soteriological phenomenality, God Himself, will say, “Without Me.” Atman, in Sanskrit, is the true self of an individual, the essence of an individual. Samsāra is outright misnomer viewed from Scriptural perspective; it teaches reincarnation of Adamic beings. The eighth incarnation of Vishnu resulted in the epiphanous twelve years old Krishna in Hinduism. Why he must manifest as a twelve-year-old definitely masquerades the Christological quiddity. Without the image of the Christ, no religion comes into operation. There is only one Incarnation: the Christological event on the terra firma. Hinduism believes that heaven and hell are temporary abodes. If it truly is, Abraham would have used it to console the rich man in the afterlife teaching of Jesus in Luke 16:19-31. There are no known paths of physical exercises leading to salvation as Krishna discussed with Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita. Salvation is not an attainability through religious ritualism of human exertion. It is purely of the finished work of the Divinity.Read More

Who Is The True Author Of Salvation? (One)

What is incontrovertibly clear is the biblical account of Genesis 3:21 “Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.” This was the unveiling of the soteriology, where the clothing in righteousness offered them the second chance: the blood of the sinless for the revival of the sinner. If the LORD God of the Old Testament did take a physical walk into the Eden Garden to be theAuthor of this salvation, it cannot be the First Member of the Godhead, the Father, or the Holy Spirit, the Third Member of the Godhead; the Divine Visitant was none other than the Second Member of the Godhead, Christ the Creator (Genesis 1:1; John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:2 and Revelation 1:8). Nimrod, no doubt, is, in my stern belief, the most worshipped deity alongside his wife, Semiramis. Genesis 10:8-9 “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. 9) He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.” Being a great grandson of Noah, Nimrod probably lived in the nineteenth century BCE. Of inestimable importance is the salvation of human soul. Who should or could be the first to make an offer of salvation among these and many others? The soteriology, as presented in the Bible, is not an act of self-help. A spiritually fallen Adamic entity lays helplessly, a vegetable, in spiritual terms. Hindu encouragement of “effort at self-improvement through a series of reincarnated lives until they reach the final stage of merging with Brahma” is purely the goading of Satanism. Of the sinful nature of man, does the good Book not make the revelatory “the soul that sinneth, it shall die” in Ezekiel 18:4? The Word of God teaches in Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” all because Psalm 51:5 gives the exegetical “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.”Read More


The casting of lots is Old Testamentary form of enquiring from the God of the Bible. The question here is, why would they find it expedient to fill an office Jesus left unattended to in all the forty days He was with them after His resurrection? How come none of the disciples approached Jesus with a good candidate of a discipleship suggestion? The One Who sees the hearts of men chooses who to work with Him. Methinks it is strictly the prerogative of the Author of salvation to choose His Apostles? None knows like the Lord, of Whom it is written in John 6:70, “Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?” Why would the Lord, Who knows it all add unto Himself, the devil? Like every free moral agent of Adamic progeny, Judas must be given an opportunity to choose between the Light and the darkness. Judas represented the ultimate Antichrist, who must hear the gospel of salvation, make a choice whether to continue to follow Lucifer, and perish or come unto Jesus, after having laboured in the religion of Satanism, heavily laden, and receive rest. There is another reason for allowing an unbelieving Judas Iscariot in the Kingdom of God fold. John 17:12 “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.”Read More


In the Book of Numbers 21:5 and 6, the recalcitrant Israel spoke against the LORD God and His Providence, loathing the bread – the signification of the body of Jesus broken for our redemption. So, in the 6th verse God sent fiery serpents against disbelievers of the Actuator of what they represent: twelve. They did not even know that it was the Redeemer of Israel that they spoke contumaciously against. And what was the solution to the serpentine blitzkrieg: for heaven above dealt with them using the wickedness of terra firma? His anger would not let Him destroy them utterly; knowing the manner in which He will save the world, the Lord chose its adumbration. Numbers 21:8 “And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.” In the Book of Numbers 21:5 and 6, the recalcitrant Israel spoke against the LORD God and His Providence, loathing the bread – the signification of the body of Jesus broken for our redemption. So, in the 6th verse God sent fiery serpents against disbelievers of the Actuator of what they represent: twelve. They did not even know that it was the Redeemer of Israel that they spoke contumaciously against. And what was the solution to the serpentine blitzkrieg: for heaven above dealt with them using the wickedness of terra firma? His anger would not let Him destroy them utterly; knowing the manner in which He will save the world, the Lord chose its adumbration. Numbers 21:8 “And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.”Read More


Matthew 9:20 “And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:” this is the first time ‘twelve' is mentioned in the New Testament. She came behind Jesus, as Reverend Chris Okotie taught, because she is the Israel of the Old Testamentary order. None received eternal salvation that made use of recumbent animal as the sacrificial element. The LORD of twelve was using the woman of issue of blood to transit from the Old to the New Testamentary Order when He had to visit the twelve year old girl, the daughter of Jairus. The sick woman who had spent all she had on her ailment signified Israel, from this theological understanding, as being badly haemorrhagic spiritually. Twelve, being our Emmanuel, has removed the stiffness of religious preclusion. Twelve, having to do with mankind, came with healing and restoration. Without the essence of twelve, we can do nothing (John 15:5). Five is the number of grace. Jesus is the discernibility of the grace of God to all nations, Whose earthly appearance, on account of the soteriology, is inevitable. The grace of Jesus translates into the salvific potency of twelve, His number. A careful study of the testimonial story of the feeding of the five thousand will prove that, with the inclusion of women and children, there were probably 18,000 people at that crusade. The remaining baskets full of fishes and loaves points to the superabundance of twelve in divine Providence: socially, physically and spiritually.Read More


The Messianic reality of establishment coming from the given Son further establishes the Incarnation. The birth of the child underscores the emergence of the Second Man – the second six or twelve –, the Last Adam, being the most enigmatic One to tread upon the surface of terra firma. The Lord from the Rainbow Administration of the empyrean assizes cannot be born: for a being of Adamic procreation begins life in the womb. The Christ, Whose goings forth is from eternality of the timeless past, can only be given, ergo, the Incarnation. Amen. His Incarnation brought the timelessness of the Christ into the time of our world. Seven days for a week accounts for the perfection of His being. Twelve number of months for every year makes Him the Owner of our days. In the heavenly assizes, there are twenty-four lesser thrones forming an arc round the empyrean Majesty. The twenty-four elders represent the perfect Church that does not fail to give the true latria to the Most High Jehovah, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. The first time the number twelve appears in Scripture is in Genesis 14:4 “Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.” This number of soteriological significance easily translates service. Chedorlaomer’s tyranny forced five kingdoms under its domination for twelve years. They failed to stay liberated because they bypassed Christ, the true Owner of the number twelve, believing in their physical warring strength. It took the number of grace – five – for Abraham, friend of Christ, the LORD of Psalm 24, to redeem Lot from Chedorlaomer’s grip. They were five kingdoms only in physical numeration, denying the power of the grace of God, hence, they failed to break successfully from the tyrannical grip of Chedorlaomer.Read More

Christianity Is The Only Way To Salvation (five)

I hear some people make asseveration that Christianity is not necessarily linked to every earthly problem. Quite untrue, I must make unteachable, the didacticism of wrong mindset of human calculation. Christians are followers of Christ; they follow Him because they are well aware of the One they have decided to follow. Does it occur to human reasoning that the first human couple was a practitioner of Christianity? They were God’s children. Jesus said to His disciples, “When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name;” and this verse definitely laid the foundation of divine brotherhood, in Luke 11:2. If the first of human creations were made in the likeness and also the image of the LORD God who entranced Eden every cool of the evening, is there any cause not to believe that they bowed in the latria before their Creator, who happened to be the pre-Incarnation of Jesus Christ? If the prototypes worshipped and followed the Christ, Christianity is irrefragably the established way of life in the agreed counsel of Godhead, even as it obtains in heaven.Read More

Christianity Is The Only Way To Salvation (four)

Revelation 1:8 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” Alpha and Omega are words that meet with divine protocolary. Being the first and the last of Greek alphabetical characters of word productions, what it prognosticates is that every other letter in between those letters are definitely of Him. Is Jesus the Word of God? Then the conceptual intent of Alpha and Omega points to the fact that every word from or of the Divinity is definitely Jesus Christ. The Personage of Revelation 1:8 is the beginning and the ending, meaning that He has no beginning and no ending. He is the “which is” the Owner of the present time of creation. He is the “which was”, Whose existence goes beyond the eternality of the past. He is the “which is to come” the Master and the Lord of eternity to come. This Person of Revelation 1:8 is the Almighty, the Author of Christianity. Selah!Read More

Christianity Is The Only Way To Salvation (three)

Salvation of the soul is the true salvation, found only in the Christian Bible. Salvation is exclusively a theological question. Only the Creator, who goes by the Genesis 1:1 generic sobriquet of 'ĕlôhı̂ym which means ‘deities, magistrates and mighty ones’, has all it takes for the abrogation of the mortal sentence of Ezekiel 18:4 passed on human sinfulness, which vaticinates, “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” The sanguineous crucifixion of the Golgotha atonement changed everything, affording the second chance culminating in the volte-face turn from hellish approach back to life, brokered by the Author of creationism. Of the redeemed souls of Christianity Peterine couch reveals, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: 10) Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy” (1Peter 2:9-10).Read More

Christianity Is The Only Way To Salvation (two)

Being a born again Christian is the path that heads straight to the new and the living way established by Jesus Christ when He said, “For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matthew 26:28). Nicodemus went to meet with the very Foundation and the Head of the Church, the pillar and the ground of truth, where Christianity is practised. The new birth is actually midwifed by the Holy Spirit, God from above. ‘Except’ and ‘cannot’ are two strong negating terms showing the impossibility of salvation without going through Christianity founded by Jesus. Encapsulating the entire Bible is John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Salvation to all mankind through Jesus, whose atoning blood erases the sin that herds unbelievers into hell, is what John 3 verse 16 makes known to all. Where is this taught? The Christian Church. The eighteenth verse reads, “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” You either come to Jesus and be saved, or go elsewhere which seems right in the sin contaminated perception of humanity and perish forever. Christianity awaits all and sundry; “Come unto me all that labour and are heavy laden,” Jesus calls out, and concludes with the most reassuring, “and I will give you rest.” Read More

Christianity Is The Only Way To Salvation (one)

Scripturally, whoredom is idolatrous practice. Any one or assemblage that worships not the true God is engaged in spiritual prostitution. There is one God. Serving another spiritually is to have forsaken the true God. The first marriage in the Garden of Eden was not only between God’s children, the LORD God is the Father-in-law of the pristine couple. In the eternal mind of God, He must marry the Church to redeem her. For this theological reason, it is a divine taboo to worship another god. Many so-called churches are institutions of Satanism. Religions that do not worship God in truth and in Spirit – Jesus being the truth, and the Holy Spirit being the Spirit of Truth – do so in fruitless vain. Jesus died, like Adam (before the emergence of the Eden woman), for the Church, established for the preservation of saved souls. The Holy Spirit, after the death, resurrection, ascension and His session on the right hand of the celestial Majesty, continues to nurture the Church: providing the Church with pastors, evangelists, prophets and the enabling power to go marching on, till the day of the rapture. Read More

Soteriology: Eternal Design Of Divinity (four)

Soteriology is not an afterthought, on the part of the Godhead; the established conclusion of it had been an eternality of His design. If after the creation of intelligent beings, God decided, to save or destroy souls in hell, as Calvinistic lapsarianism erroneously see it – in its ludicrous egregiousness –, does it not portray Jehovah’s established omniscient faculty fact as a mere ruse, an absolute mirage! Before the creation of time, no doubt, the Members of the Godhead had decided what to do, having by foreknowledge faculty of their omniscience, seen what would unfold, had made up their minds on what should be obtained. The Godhead had fixed the T&C pertaining to salvation. They were not toying with the intended free will of the creationism proposed intelligent beings. It will definitely be quiet sadistic on the part of the eternally sinless Godhead to fashion, intentionally, intelligent beings out of the creationism just for hellish cast. If God should commit one smidgeon of sin, He becomes eternally a disciple of Satanism. The goodness of the Fashioner of creationism will not afford it. Even if He decided to sin, He could easily purge Himself, but the eternality of truthfulness maintains that the LORD GOD will not let it happen for goodness' sake! Amen.Read More

Soteriology: Eternal Design Of Divinity (three)

When God limited the direct progenies of Noah to three sons, it was Israel, in Shem; Europe, residing in Japheth; and in an end time publication of the gospel of the evangelism of salvation finding its conclusion in Africa (specifically of Nigeria, I believe) of Ham. Three is the Divine number of perfect manifestation: For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one” (1John 5:7). God’s counsel must prevail; hence, three must branch out of Noah – God’s rest. He would not allow a fourth child, and because four stands for creation, man must not be given the right to create from the depth of sinfulness, being accorded the legality to create. Man’s fallen nature will never lack the manipulations of Satanism.Read More

Soteriology: Eternal Design Of Divinity (two)

Spiritual Israel is quite different from Israel after the order of carnality. I have two scriptures to buttress this fact. 1Corinthians 10:18 “Behold Israel after the flesh: are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar?” If the Word of God does see some as Israel of carnality, definitely, there must be spiritual Israel. There was a divine need to enter Adamic depravity into a new testamentary order. Does it not asseverate, “For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second” (Hebrews 8:7). Soteriology is the perfection of true salvation. The first testament took away sin temporarily; the second testament is the soteriology – eternal design of the Divinity; meant only for as many as are led by the Spirit to become Christians who walk with God. Galatians 6:16 reads, “And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.” Israel of God is the true Israel, the called, ready to forsake all, washed in the blood of Jesus clean; and be called the children of the Most High. Romans 9:6 “Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:” because in the new dispensation of Adamic elevation, you must be born again. Israel in the flesh is the present day geographical State of backslidden Jews. Many of them do not still believe in the Golgotha atonement. God must always have His own people so it became necessary to birth the spiritual Israel, each individual of this mystical body having the eternal seed of fruitful Godliness in his soul. Without this species of people, God will destroy the earth. To keep the earth from destruction, His special people must have their dwelling on earth. How unsearchable is God’s wisdom, and His ways past finding out. Hallelujah! Read More

Soteriology: Eternal Design Of Divinity (one)

The eternal Father could not have been taken by surprise. He had known this before they were created. Blessedly, God had taken precautions; was ready for this eventuality; definitely, knew He was not going to lose either of these two Adamic prototypes. The first term of conditionality intrinsically designed for his – Adam’s – survival was admittance of guilt. If Adam would not flaunt his shortcoming on earth, like Lucifer did in heaven, then the propitiatory lambs were of readiness for their restoration based purely on a T&C of fugacity. Agreeing to the perpetration of ungodly, sinful act is tantamount to asking for divine help. Arrogance will always stand in opposition to seeking divine offer of mercy. Right there in the Garden of Eden, the eternal designs began to take shapes. This revelation I am sharing here makes me appreciate Pastor Chris Okotie’s didactic insistence that Israel has a subtle mention in the Eden fall. Did God not know that Adam would fall into sin? When He walked into Eden, the first thing God did was to call out, “Adam, where art thou?” not to the destruction of the Adamic elevation, but He was on a mission of restoration of Adamic elevation, according to His eternal design. Read More

Will You Lose The Genuineness Of Your Salvation? (8)

Do verses 22 and 23 say categorically that Jesus is the Head of the Church and does it reveal that the Church is His mystical body? Did I not explain clearly that the saved soul is the full responsibility of the Godhead? If the Church is His mystical body, does it not behove God to do the Jude verse one needful? “…to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:” (Jude 1:1). The Father “purifies” for salvation. Jesus Christ is the divine refrigerator that continues in “preserving the regenerate Christian from injury, rottenness and loss,” because that is what the Greek word for 'preserved', tēreō (tay-reh’-o) means. Through the inspired energy of the Holy Spirit, the gospel becomes meaningful; the “call” is made and what does the Father-sanctified and Christ-preserved do? Led by the Holy Spirit the utterance of the prayer of salvation is made from the heart, you get born again and the Trinity takes over the purchased life, and your new life becomes the full responsibility of God; how can it be lost? Has God ever lost anything He truly wants for Himself? Selah! Read More

Will You Lose The Genuineness Of Your Salvation? (7)

The first stance of soteriological existence is the act of faith. It does say somewhere, “faith cometh by hearing;” and when the heard substance is led to the state of digestion, the risen hope transforms into a deeply rooted faith in the rhema of the Logos. The LORD God, seeing this display of sheer intent of the abiding faith, the Godhead takes it up from there: for He alone can bring the objectivity of faith into its destined consummation. It is God’s business transaction, which requires not a less in Divinity of participation. Another Entity of eternality, the Holy Spirit, must, as of divine requirement, serve as the earnest. God the Father did not perfect the payment of regeneration of the Christian with the denarii of the Roman tentacles of nations’ occupation. He did not pay with the British pound sterling to save Europeans; the globally sought after US dollars was not the currency of transaction; neither is the Nigerian naira offered for the redemption of Africans. The tectonic relevancy and divine bourne is the onliest reason why God must use Himself as the down payment for the Church: God’s biggest dream. Read More

Will You Lose The Genuineness Of Your Salvation? (6)

The saved is in the eternality of, not One, but in the Divine hands of Two Members of the Godhead; in fact the saved soul is held in the eternal hands of the Trinity – the Holy Spirit is actively involved in the soteriology. Theologically, we understand that what is in the hand of the Christ is said to be in the Father’s hand as well. But the seriousness of the Divine Insurance Corporation (headquartered in heaven) enforces me to dwell on the individuality and the distinctiveness of each of the Members of the Godhead. The hand of Christ, from which none can pluck, is a mystical arm of eternality. It is impossible to even come to an approaching distance, not to talk of touching it. If you cannot touch it what possibility, on earth, gives anyone the strength of moving just one finger of eternal existence? Need we dwell on the impossibility of plucking the saved soul out of the hand of the Christ? Now the same saved souls are secured in the Father’s eternal hand. One eternality is much, too much enough to effect security for all eternities; but two hands of the Divinity? Phew! It is the end of the discussion! How it seems too difficult to understand this simple scriptural facticity is disturbing to my theological mind, honestly! Does it not make it explicitly in abundance of clarity in Romans 11:29 that “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance”; where ‘without repentance’ is the Greek ametamelētos (am-et-am-el’-ay-tos) meaning: ‘unregretted or better still, irrevocable’? The predestined quiddity of the born again, which before creation was an issue of Godhead predetermination concerning the Christian, makes his spiritual rebirth unreversible. Read More