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August 2022


The eternal Son must place Himself under the law that He gave to Moses. In order to rewrite the law of 'sin and death,’ the LORD God had to promulgate another law called 'Spirit of life in Christ Jesus' (Romans 8:2). By this new and living way, hitherto unknown, but now fully understood, the spirit of our elevation cries out to the Eternality of the Father, calling Him, “Abba Father!” Jesus being the ‘only begotten Son,’ who says Jehovah has no ‘begotten children’ as well? Whoever voices that has no knowledge of God’s word of Adamic elevation. Adamic elevation calls Jehovah, “My Daddy.”Read More


The splendiferousness that marks celestial pageantry of Adamic elevation is evident in this verse. I have heard it from very famous pastors and evangelical giants that God had shown them their empyrean homes. Are there truly physical, palatial houses of empyreal realm? The words of this scripture will unveil the truth. The Greek word for 'house' in the second verse is oikia (oy-kee'-ah): ‘properly residence (abstractly), but usually (concretely) an abode (literally or figuratively); by implication a family (especially domestics).’Read More


Given the Holy Spirit, we are carriers of God. This Adamic elevation is the most incredible reality that adorns the mysterious life of Adamic regenerative facticity. Brought under the divine tutelage of the Holy Spirit, the Bible, God’s abstruse infallibility of verbalism becomes clear as crystal. And all that Adam, in his regeneration, has to do is just open his mouth; and flowing through is the glossolalia, too divinely hot for the wicked enemy of Christianity. Lucifer or any of his malicious cohorts will hear this outburst of seemingly prattle of innocency; but in the spiritual sphere they constitute poisonous darts of warfare – bad business for Satanism. Hallelujah!Read More


And the legality involvement stems from the two breathed lives into Adam. From the Hebraic point of couch, it reads, 'breath of lives' – animal and intellectual lives. Lucifer knew what button of punch manipulability to strike to appeal to the animalistic nature of Adam. The thing is that God created an Adamic entity whom He had decided, long before his creation, to forgive, ergo, Adam must possess an intellectual life, able to reason with his Creator. Breathed into Adam were the soul and spirit; the soul is the seat of his carnal emotionalism while the spirit is Adamic rendezvous with the Holy Spirit. At the fall he died spiritually. God was actually ready for that unfortunate eventuality – the Creator killed animals to sustain his life till the substitutionary death of Golgotha.Read More


Jehovah God and His Word are one and the same. Finding Himself in the likeness of an Adamic creature, Jesus Christ won the heart of humanity as the quintessence of submissiveness in obedience. At age twelve, even though Mary and Joseph made the mistake of not making sure that Jesus was going home with them before embarking on the journey of days, and for the fact that it was made crystal clear that the One they were dealing with is the only begotten Son of God, Jesus, the Bible says, “And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart” (Luke 2:51). Jesus taught the Church submission, Who first brought Himself under subjection.Read More