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February 2024


That the Holy Spirit teaches all things does not only give Him the essentiality of an intelligent Personage, the knowledge of all things tells any right thinking person that the Holy Ghost is, indeed, Omniscient. Just in case someone will want to argue that “all things” from this Scripture does not punctuate Omniscience of God, simply from the “whatsoever I have said unto you” point of Scripture, tending to limit the Holy Spirit’s scope of knowledge; what such a person is evidently in failure to realize is that to be the teacher of the Apostolic office and, by extension, the Church, the intelligence of that being must equal the One “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” of Colossians 2:3. The Holy Spirit is more than a teacher, He must be at par with the “only wise God” of Jude verse 25, to wield the capability of teaching all things. We understand that God is of eternality, which speaks of limitlessness. No creature has the capacity and capability to search the unfathomable mind of the Creator, therefore, the ability of the Holy Spirit to search the mind of God with nonpareil accuracy, makes Him Omniscient God, the Creator! He, the Holy Spirit, having perfect wisdom, can, of course, teach the Church like no other.Read More


If this latent power comes from above to be invested on Christianity, then the Holy Spirit of our clothing is indeed the Almighty. He is the One who personally came down on the day of Pentecost to equip Christianity with power to preach the gospel, speak God’s language (in the glossolalia) and to perform miracles, which happens to be solely God’s métier. Matthew 12:28 “But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.” By the power of the same Holy Ghost did Jesus perfect miraculous phenomenality. Acts 2:4 “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Each and everyone of the one hundred and twenty first recorded souls of Christianity spoke in a language they never knew, each one according as the same Holy Spirit gave him the utterance. And the resultant force brought three thousand people, from different places of the globe to Jesus, ready to be born again to die no more. Hallelujah! How powerful is Jesus? John 10:18 “No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.” It is clear that His substitutionary death is purely volitional. But when the same Person says, “I have power to take it again,” it is of the puissance of Divinity. The power to lay down one’s life, and to make retrieval of the same life in a miraculous act of self-resurrection is definitely a mind-blowing exercise of the Omnipotence.Read More


Of truth is that, one of the reasons for the Trinity is for redemption purpose. But your first error is from the theological point, Damina. God must exist in plural forms if the creation of intelligent beings will not be that which gives Him an experience of plurality in vitiation of the Scripture which says, “…that in all things he might have the preeminence” (Colossians 1:18). ‘Preeminence’ is the Greek prōteuō (prote-yoo’-o): ‘to be first, hold the first place; to be first (in rank or influence).’ Your second mistake is the use of ‘become’ in the existence of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. A ‘becoming’ is a production of a process. Any process must go through time, making the element of time an attendant witness to the act and art of the ‘becoming'. Time limitations of God’s Fatherhood, Sonship or of the Holy Spirit is an invalidation of the Creatorship of the Trinity. If Jehovah did become the Father, then the Father is devoid of eternality and the same goes for the Son and the Holy Spirit. What you, Damina, says about the possibility of Jehovah discarding the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, if He desires, tells a good Bible student that Dr. Abel Damina has sat, and had wasted his time graduating under the tutelage Arius. In fact, Muhammad, the prophet of Allah, said the same thing – that God can decide to kill Christ.Read More


The Fatherhood of the First Member of the Godhead is the title of His Divinity. His Fatherhood does not rest on a definitional stance of biological paternity. He is the Father because the Godhead decided that, the ever seated distinct Person on the throne of Majesty will have the distinction of the First Member of the Godhead: God the Father. The Father does not vacate the celestial throne at any given period. Because the empyrean throne can never be vacant due to the fact that God has no deputy, He must be there to receive the empyreal latria due to the LORD God of heaven and the universe. The counsel of the Godhead finds its verbalism from the vocality of the Father’s mouth.Read More

Dr. Abel Damina Taught That Enoch And Elijah Did Truly Die (4)

Jesus is the germinal Entity from Whose Person springs the well of salvation. The promise was made looking into the future, to the Incarnation of Emmanuel, by Whose blood true mediation comes to its consummation. While Ishmael represented the legality of religious ritualism that leads not to the soul’s salvation, Isaac is the prefiguration of the Messiah. Adamic existence depends solely on the Messiah for redemption. The Promise is absolutely free from any legality. God Himself takes the responsibility of its continuation and enternality of its security. What emanated from the bondwoman, incongruous to Divine purpose, lacks Godliness; however, the product of the freewoman conforms to the eternal counsel of the Divinity: for this reason the LORD God chose not Ishmael. Salvation must be a perfect mirroring of Scripture. Dr. Abel Damina is quite conversant with these theological facts but he disappointingly chooses to teach unscriptural stuffs. So far, I find it difficult to see a worse teacher of eisegesis than Dr. Abel Damina. I, honestly, cannot help telling myself, “When it comes to the exegesis of the Bible, Dr. Damina is simply a weirdo.” Exegesis is reading out of God’s word, i.e. teaching God’s protocol strictly according to the Bible. Read More

Dr. Abel Damina Taught That Enoch And Elijah Did Truly Die (3)

God meant what He promised in Genesis 12:7, ergo, a repetition in Genesis 13:15 “For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever.” Did Abraham walk together with his progenies into the Promised Land? He did not, physically speaking, but the Bible tells us 9) “By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: 10) For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God” (Hebrews 11:9-10). The Promise was given to Abraham and his progenies, biologically or by faith, faith, especially, in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Amen. Of course Abraham prepared the sacrifice of various elements but he could not bring perfection to the oblation. The One that Adam and his wife heard and saw; the same One that appeared to Moses, Who did present Himself on Mount Sinai before the congregation of Israel; and the very One that stood before Joshua to receive the latria is the same One who walk through the covenantal elements of Abraham’s sacrifice. Why? He alone can judge oppressors of His people while walking His own people into victorious encounters. This promise He made personally with father Abraham – not with Abel, Enoch or Noah. Read More

Dr. Abel Damina Taught That Enoch And Elijah Did Truly Die (2)

Only the beguiling will of an eisegete reads literary couch of metaphorical innuendos into the verses of the two prophets' discussion. There is not a smidgeon of doubt that Damina will definitely find any level of incongruity to fix his eisegetical ways of teaching the Scripture. Dr. Damina will not fail to disappoint me by saying something like, “You see, Jeremiah (or whoever he decides to be the author) used figures of speech to tell his story;” (as if the Holy Spirit has no hand in its scripting). Just because we find it very difficult to understand what we would not, out of laziness, and consequently allow the Spirit of God to direct us into an understanding, does not mean that they are couches of figurative language. Then one should not find it scripturally difficult to believe that the entire Bible is the writings of imaginations of literary works. The meanings of the Hebrew and Greek words, coupled with the contextual stances of the revealed Scriptures allow serious students of the Bible to come to the understanding of God’s protocolary documentation. This unreasonable assumptions goad many so-called theologians to say, “God created this present world in seven years,” awfully using 2Peter 3:8 as scriptural reference! Some will teach, without any scriptural care, “Lucifer slept with Adam’s wife to give birth to Cain,” while others believe that it was Cain who slept with his mother to produce the female of his own marriage! Take one millimetre away from the express understanding of the Bible, and you are a feeder of heresies!Read More

Dr. Abel Damina Taught That Enoch And Elijah Did Truly Die (1)

All Damina does is to pull out, “These all died in faith,” from Hebrews 11:13 “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” The members of his churches, learning from a pastor fraught with biblical false teaching cannot see the simple defect in this man’s teaching. Let us navigate through the Bible to unearth Dr. Damina’s flaw or otherwise a perfection of his excogitation. Reading from Hebrews chapter 11 from verses 3 through to the 8th verse becomes scriptural eye opening that Damina is wrong. How can a lettered individual as Dr. Abel Damina be so impervious of the facticity of this translation when the first words of Hebrews 11:5 reads, “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death? The Greek for ’translated,’ metatithemi (me-ta-tiy'-thee-miy) means: ‘1. to transfer. 2. (literally) to transport. 3. (by implication) to exchange. 4. (reflexively) to change sides;’ while ‘death’ is thanatos (tha'-na-tos): ‘death {literally or figuratively; properly, an adjective used as a noun}.’ Enoch’s faith has to do with his righteous walk with the LORD his Elohiym.Read More