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                How could you fail to remember the instructional words of your husband, dear Mrs. Wife? You cannot afford to forget the generative utterance of the mouth of your husband. Your push into the mind of forgetfulness is a connotative disregard to the oracular afflatus of the Most High. The spirit of your forgetfulness is a goad of Satanism. The day you said, “I do,” to him is the day of his installation as the priest of your marital home. This is God’s protocol. There is, absolutely, nothing you can do about this, Mrs. Wife.                                                                                                                                                       He doubles as the head and the priest of the family.  

Marriage is a covenant

                Be wise, dear wife, and accord him all the support he needs. His instructions, his wants and vision earnestly need you to be his biggest fan and supporter. If you did not know these things concerning a husband then what are you doing in his life? If you had an awareness of this phenomenon regarding marriage and you decide to veer off the course of his words, you are nothing short of a Delilah and of course, the Jezebel come to disrupt the spiritual equilibration of the desideratum needed by this man to achieve his goals, as far as God is concerned.

Think Jesus, matrimonially.

                Marriage is solely God’s institution, designed to enable the population of righteous offspring of humanity. The LORD God who created Adam, the male, is the same Creator who brought Adam, the female, into physical phenomenon. As far as God is concerned, the pristine duo had spiritual briefing of His existence. Each had been briefed separately on his or her conjugal role. God brought the female to the male to be introduced to him, the first occupant of Eden Garden, and to see what he had to say about that new creativity. The superintendency of the male Adam is underscored by the facticity of the female Adam being brought into the Eden, where Adam, the male, sat in occupation of it in his domination of the entire globe.

                An affront to the ethics of divine protocol is not only unladylike; it is a total disregard to the physical presence of the Creator. You do not, as a matter of courtesy, welcome yourself into a home of the landlord, who is setting his eyes on you for the first time. The male Adam had to utter the words of welcome, not to the Creator who happens to be the true Owner, but the newly introduced entity, to whom was given the sobriquet, ‘Woman’.

                It is, whether you like it or not, and without sounding chauvinistic, a man’s world.

                No doubt, would it have been an affront to the protocol of the Creator’s institution if the Bible had recorded the introduced one as saying, “This is the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh, he shall be called man.” The aberrational push of the breath of those words were put in check by the briefing which the LORD God had etched into her psyche. The first set of the word ‘man’ that shows up in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 to chapter 2:22 is hyponymically ‘Adam’. It comes out a total number of 11 times (Genesis 1:26, 27,2:5, –twice in 2:7–, 2:8, 15, 16, 18, 22; and 13 times if you add the two times Adam comes in chapter 2 verse 19. It is the Hebrew ‘âdâm (aw-dawm’): ‘ruddy, that is, a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.).’ It (‘âdâm) comes from a root: âdam (aw-dam’): ‘to be red, red. To show blood (in the face), that is, flush or turn rosy.’                                                                                   

                It was the responsibility of the man to name, being the head of the family. The authority found in verbal pronouncement lies with Adam, the male. He stands, dear wife, in authority before the Creator, even to His divine admiration. Mrs. Adam, how could you have forgotten the Divine briefing of the day of your making? As you walked the first ever walk side by side the Creator, did He not intimate you with the protocol to be observed in the home you were about to be ushered into? God did tell you that His word was with the man. That every utterance of authority concerning the marriage institution must proceed from the lips of the man: for he is the appointed priest of the Most High God in your home. Amen.      

One flesh divided into two!

                She should have accorded her husband her infamous serpentine discourse. It never occurred to her where she was plunging the entire human race when she thought within herself, “I’ve got this.” The tempter meant a wicked business! Unbeknown to the woman was a tsunami that had taken the innoxious form of a three minute’s foggy drizzle. It, she ominously thought, was just a harmless curiosity that hissed through fanciful fangs devoid of venom of paralysis. She took upon herself, the role that had no existence in the marital code of Eden –God’s home.

                She spoke, unconstitutionally, without the authorisation from the authorised Adam. Words, before God, are so important that they must be brought before His adjudication. Armed with an idiotic confidence, unfortunately, she did not know that she was actually working against the will of God. What an ironic event! The one who was created to bait the enemy of God into incarceration is falling prey to a serpentine manipulation!  

(…to be concluded…)

Read the concluding part two

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My name is H.O. Ojewale. I was born in 17th March, 1955, in the then Gold Coast, now Ghana, Greater Accra. My parents are Nigerians. I am married with three wonderful children.


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