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The Glossolalia (2nd Part)




…continued from part one

Paul, in 1Corinthians 1:7, “So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ:” writes to the church, extolling her spiritual, fruitful gifts which must include the glossolalia. To the same church he writes in 1Corinthians 14:4-5. Verse 4) “He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church.” Is this not a proof of the fact that the Church is endowed with the glōssa? In verse 5 it is explicitly clear that speaking in tongues is a blessing to the Church, where Christians assemble, and it reads: “I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying.”

“For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful” (1Corinthians 14:14). That the understanding is not fruitful does not serve as an estoppage of this gift. If my spirit prays, it is doubtlessly the fact that the Holy Spirit is the Giver of the celestial utterance. Paul went on in the next verse, “What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.” Now when you hear Christians singing hymns in tongues this is where the pastors get the supportive scripture from. That the Spirit of God fixes the lyricalness of the songs of adoration is exhilarating! What it connotes is that, I am actually singing to the Most High and using the very lyrics He wants to hear from the lips of His dear child!


            To Paul was given to teach the mystifying stance of the Lord’s architectural edifice called the Church. He would not waste time in his enjoinment of 1Corinthians 14:39, “Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.” While the word ‘covet’ is the same zēloō, ‘prophesy’ is prophēteuō (prof-ate-yoo’-o): ‘to foretell events, divine, speak under inspiration, exercise the prophetic office,’ ‘forbid’ is kōluō (ko-loo’-o) ‘to estop, that is, prevent (by word or act);’ which comes from the base of kolazō (kol-ad’-zo) [From κόλος kolos (dwarf)]; properly to curtail, that is, (figuratively) to chastise (or reserve for infliction).’

It is tantamount to the proverbial shooting oneself in the leg, spiritually, when a Christian decides not to take the gift of speaking in tongues seriously. So many believe that after the Pentecostal experience the gift ceased; but the Apostle wrote in 1Corinthians 14:18, “I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all:” and earlier on in the second verse of 1Corinthians chapter 14, he taught “For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.” I will rather engage Jehovah God in tongues, addressing issues of absolute mystery! That the more one shares mysteries with the Lord, his God, is the best for his spiritual preferment, is a truism.


Our Lord Jesus Himself made a categorical profundity in the statement He made in the promise of Mark 16:17, “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;” and the Greek definition for ‘tongue’ glōssa (gloce-sah’) is: ‘the tongue; by implication a language (specifically one naturally unacquired).’ It is a gift given only to God’s born again children. The word ‘signs’ is semeion (say-mei`-on): ‘an indication, especially ceremonially or supernaturally.’ ‘Follow’ is parakoloutheo (par-ak-ol-ou-theh’-o) ‘1. to follow near 2. (figuratively) attend (as a result), trace out, conform to.’ ‘Believe’ pisteuo (pist-yoo’-o), means: 1. to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i.e. credit 2. (by implication) to entrust (especially one’s spiritual well-being to Christ).’ ‘Cast out’ is ekballo (ek-bal’-lo): ‘to eject.’ The KJV translation of Daimonion (dai-mon’-ee-on), as the Greek word for ‘devils,’ should actually be ‘demons’ and not ‘devils’ (Satan is the devil). Daimonion has the meaning of: 1. ‘a demonic being (a foul spirit) 2. (by extension) a deity.’ Laleo (lal-eh’-o), which is ‘speak,’ means: ‘to talk, i.e. utter words.’

    (…to be concluded…)

Click here to read the 1st part.

Read the 3rd part here

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The Glossolalia (1st Part)
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The Glossolalia (3rd Part)

My name is H.O. Ojewale. I was born in 17th March, 1955, in the then Gold Coast, now Ghana, Greater Accra. My parents are Nigerians. I am married with three wonderful children.


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