Only the Deity can address the sin question!
(…continued from part one…)
The conjunction, ‘also,’ is kai, and from the above definition, it should read: “the Son of man is Lord and indeed of the Sabbath.” The reality of the duality of this most enigmatic Personage is so total from the standpoint of His official status as the last Adam, which gives Him the Lordship of the earth, which Adam lost. Of the same Jesus, it is written, in 1Corinthians 15:47, “…the second man is the Lord from heaven.” This is the hypostatic union! God and man fused together in one Personage called Jesus Christ. He is ‘the second man’ because a third evil personified Antichrist is expected. As ‘the last Adam’ (1Corinthians 15:45) He is the Saviour. If HE is the Saviour that makes Him Jehovah: a salvaging covenant name, which cannot be appreciably understood by human philosophy save through the agency of faith.
The scriptural establishments of the distinctive coexistence of the Father and the Son cannot be repudiated by the grandiloquence of the finest logic propounded by Hegelian dialectics. To the gainsayers of the Trinitarian concept this philosophical theory was needed to debunk the existence of the Triune God of Christianity. Hegelian dialectic philosophy is an interpretive method in which the contradiction between a proposition (thesis) and its antithesis is resolved at a higher level of truth (synthesis). God, to them, died, as taught by Friedrich W. Nietzsche, a German philosopher, poet and Christian critic.
F.W. Nietzsche -the author of “God is Dead”
Following the three stages of Hegelian dialectic God, the Father did die, becoming the thesis. The antithesis, Jesus, by His death on the cross paved a logical way for a resolution of the Christian God in the emergence of the Holy Spirit as the synthesis. Philosophy is not an evil tool per se. But when utilized by human understanding, it becomes what I call human logic tampered by Satanism. The moment the Hegelian dialectic stumbles on another deity, the Holy Spirit gives way, and the first (the original) thesis goes into oblivion. Philosophy of man has always left man hanging in his problems and never solving his spiritual problem of the state of afterlife. Hegel saw “Geist” (the absolute mind or spirit) developing through history, with each period having a Zeitgeist (spirit of the age). Hegel’s theory of the dialectic was the inspiration for the Dialectical Materialism of Karl Marx and Marxism. Does philosophy proffer any salvation from man’s sinful nature? None whatsoever.
Looking at the verbs ‘was’ and ‘am’ of John 8:58, anyone versed in English grammar will think that ‘was’ is an inflection of ‘am.’ It is not. ‘Was’ is ginomai (ghin’-om-ahee): ‘to become, be made; to cause to be (“gen” -erate), that is, (reflexively) to become (come into being).’ This is an Abraham, who came into being. ‘Am’ is eime: ‘an existence: of the incarnate God.’
“I am the resurrection,” takes us on the journey back to day number three of creationism. Who called the grasses, shrubs and tree plants into physical being with their fruits on them as they were springing up immediately, without a recourse to the natural process of germination? The original Gardener, of course! He did not say, “I am a…. (which will mean: one of them);” He used the definite article. The Gardner of Eden was the One standing physically present before the very eyes of the sisters of Lazarus! Mary Magdalene’s curiosity was correct. She was asking the original Gardener where the good Lord was, on Easter Sunday. The Light of creation was called forth on the first day of a seven-day week: a Sunday! Satanic incursion destroyed the garden of God. His resurrection blossomed us back to spiritual fruition. A new life through Jesus. Amen!
Who walked the Garden of Eden every cool of the day? Who did Adam see when he opened his eyes for the first time of his life? No one can see God, we understand. That God does not leave His throne vacant is a truism. The question, however, is, who is the LORD God who walked physically, planted edible food, called out animals into being and above all sculptured an inanimate Adam before breathing two lives of soul and spirit into him in the Garden of Eden? Why is He is called ‘LORD God,’ which in Hebrew is Yahweh Elohim?
“And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them” [John 17:10]. The contextual ownership in question here is the product of creationism. For anyone to have a community of ownership with the Eternal Creator that One must be the Creator as well. Christ, in this wise, can never be an angel, as diabolically taught by the Jehovah’s Witness sect. As the Son of man He has a beginning for He shares an Adamic ancestry with the first man. But as the Son of God He shares an essential equality of oneness with the Divine Father. He does not have an adscititious existence with Divinity. He receives genuflexion of adoration even from the four angels around the heavenly throne (Heb 1:6; Rev 5:8 & Rev 19:4).
Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I’ll give you rest (none else can)!
Hebrews 1:6, “And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.” Revelation 5:8, “And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.” And this, the next text, is the scriptural evidence of His equality with the Father, found in Revelation 19:4, “And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.” Ask yourself why they who worship the Father will deign to fall down in worship of the Lamb, Jesus Christ? Praise the Lord! Concluded
Read the 1st part here.
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