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                Maybe you are one of those asking, “What is this Christmas all about?” The birth of Jesus is the culmination of the Incarnation. The palapable Personification of the Divine LORD God remains a conundrum. Did He actualize the historicity of Immanuel for lack of what next to do, out of sheer boredom?

                The eternal Word became flesh to actuate the soteriology. Christmas points to just one thing. It settles Adamic and the angelic conflict with Divine justice. The sinful man has no locus standi before the empyreal court. One of the Members of the Godhead must represent the fallen creature of creationism. Divine greatheartedness looked at the helplessness of man; and knowing that some of Adamic free moral agency would have a heart panting after the Most High, Jesus came to the rescue. This is the quiddity of Christmas.

                It is by grace: this salvation of the soul of man; and Christmas took care of it. Halleluyah!

                You can get born again by saying this prayer of salvation.

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My name is H.O. Ojewale. I was born in 17th March, 1955, in the then Gold Coast, now Ghana, Greater Accra. My parents are Nigerians. I am married with three wonderful children.


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