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 (…continued from part 1…)                                                                                                   *2*   Household is the church where the altar call is given so much time as fifteen or more minutes for converts to make up their minds. I have heard pastors around the world and I do know that what Chris Okotie teaches is very difficult to surpass. This great man of God refuses to plant sister churches. His reasons? It is first and foremost not scriptural. He will be playing the Holy Spirit’s role -quite usurpative. He will have to appoint pastors; which is only by divine appointment (Ephesians 4:10-11). This man will not do anything which does not conform to scriptural verity.


Nobody’s tithes or offerings are recorded. I remember attending a church and when I gave the man in charge of the offertory my money and told him, “This is my tithe,” and he asked me to get my tithe card and he heard my answer of, “I don’t have,” I saw him almost agitated to perspiring. I had to wait for a card to be provided for me with my name and address on it and after my contributed amount was duly entered could he receive the said tithe from my hand! In Household, even your pledged money goes into the same offering bag as the one in which you put your voluntary offering and tithes.


    The Preacher, in a Wednesday service.

The Pastor of Household of God is of the understanding that whatever you bring to church is unto the Lord and if HE has acknowledged your pious gesture, then it is settled. When the altar call is consummated, the Reverend will tell the nascent converts among other things, “If you like our Church, we invite you to be part of what we are doing; but if for any reason you cannot come here, talk to Jesus and He’ll lead you to another Church where you’ll be comfortable, but you must go to Church.” I do not know how many pastors will continue to say this to every Sunday and Wednesday new converts. Very few you will say this, if there is any. Their perceptive stance drums it too loudly and clearly into the core of their beings that the church is their personal investment. Definitely not the Okotie, my Pastor that I have seen for decades.


A woman, according to Reverend Chris Okotie, during the annual sensitizing teachings that gets us ready for the blessing pact we enter into with the Lord, brought the documents of her landed property to redeem her pledge. He said he told her that as an old widow whose children would be expecting to use the land in future it was better she kept the property, at least for her children’s use since neither him, the Pastor, nor the Church needed the land. This is sheer display of the virtue of moral rectitude. Rev. Okotie, who is guiltless of being under the dominion of cupidity can be trusted. The woman went home with her property.

The blessing pact enables Householders to enter into a business pact with the Lord, based on scriptural promises of God that whatever we ask of Him in faith and doubting not, He will do it. We give the amount pledged even before our requests concretize, proving our level of faith. This is Household and the grand depiction of faith in Him who hath brought us out of the darkness into His marvellous light. Hallelujah!


June celebrants of Household of God Church

          Many people have censurably clothed Household and her pastoral headship of not seeing miraculous deeds going on in the Church. In fact, about a year of my membership, an HOD of the Church agreed, confiding in me, with the public criticism. In my bewilderment I showed him how wrong he was. The number one miracle that is constantly wrought in Rev Chris Okotie’s Household Of God is that people get born again every blessed week! They that were headed to an everlasting hellish confinement have heard the undiluted logos and by the Holy Spirit’s energizing, a simple prayer of salvation is rendered from the heart and immediately a volte-face to heavenly citizenship is engendered! Miracle!


In the serious worship of Jesus

A very pulchritudinous woman with an envious job was without a husband for years. On the day of her testimony in a church service she said, “Pastor, the song you taught us, ‘Settle Me’ had been my prayer to the Lord.” Overwhelmed, the beautiful woman, Sister Yemisi  continued, “Pastor, look at the fine, nice, rich and handsome man the Lord has given me,” pointing at the evident truth, the young gentleman, Sina, her husband standing by her side. Today, years past, they are blessed with two wonderful, teenage boys.


Celebration before the Lord Jesus.

What about the ophthalmologist, Sister Omena, a very nice looking woman, who did everything, went everywhere just to have her matrix serve as the receptacle for which it was created: the gestation of foetus. It has served billions of births, so why not her? When she testified of the Lord’s miracle she had been looking for the fruit of the womb for twelve, painstaking years. The good news? She had not come to thank God expecting a biological issue. She had come before the Lord God Almighty to inform Householders that her womb received and gave birth to a set of twin girls. Those lovely girls, as at this day, are in a secondary school.


Get born again by praying this prayer with all your heart and truthfully: Dear heavenly Father, I come to You now in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe in my heart that Jesus died for my sins and You raised Him from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord, and I receive Him as my Lord and my Saviour. I give God all the glory, Amen.    (…to be continued…)

Read part one here

Read part three here

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My name is H.O. Ojewale. I was born in 17th March, 1955, in the then Gold Coast, now Ghana, Greater Accra. My parents are Nigerians. I am married with three wonderful children.


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