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1Corinthians 10:20

PHILIPPIANS 4:19 (three)

In contrast is the story of rich faithful man of God, Job. The devil was maniacally jealous of Job’s success even in the face of the reign of earthly Satanism. Job went through excruciating trials like none other in biblical accounts; yet he stuck, like the three Hebrew teenagers adamantly defied Nebuchadnezzar, to the LORD his God. After the trials Job was restored, becoming, probably, the richest on earth, where Lucifer prides himself as the god of its system. Job enjoyed his riches with no sorrow. In his majestic days Solomon was unarguably the number one richest person on the surface of the earth. He asked God for wisdom to rule successfully in the land of Israel. His prayer before the LORD God was not only answered, God told him in 1Kings 3:13, “And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches, and honour: so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days.”Read More