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1Corinthians 2:12


Will it be God, the Creator, unleashing this virus to punish the disobedience of Adamic populace? I, categorically, will not accept it: for a scriptural reason. Who, then, is responsible for covid19 pandemic? In Ephesians chapter two, Paul makes a comparison between regenerated souls of Christianity and those who are still dwelling in the disobedience of Adamic sinfulness. Verse two is a reminder of an entity of immense manipulative power over the affairs of Adamic existentiality. This verse is a proof of the fact that the said entity is authorised by the Eternal God, to engage in atmospheric acts of pestiferousness. Why is this entity so authorised? Adamic progeny sold his authority to the spirit of the ophidian meander of Eden Garden. “Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:” [Ephesians 2:2]. Read More