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1John 1:6-9

Christianity Is Acquittal And Discharge From Sinful Gaol. [5]

The Eden garbing of Adam the male and the female made it a possibility for the same LORD God, who provided them with the garb of forgiveness, to step again into time, Who is eternal, to display His full beneficence, in His full glory. The LORD God appeared to Moses as both the impeccable Judge and the eternal Saviour. God must both be the ultimate Judge and the undying Saviour to perfect the soteriology. At Eden, the sin contaminated Adam and he ran into hiding, feeling badly garbed in iniquitous disposition to come face to face with the Most High who had walked in Majesty into Eden, His home. At the Mount Sinai experience, Moses, who, hitherto, had spoken so familiarly with His God, could not lift up even his hoary head to apprehend the physical presence of Divinity.Read More