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1John 4:20


Each time a sermon invites one to the altar call of spiritual regeneration, it is an opportunity to be born again. Every time a proclaimer of the gospel approaches an individual, offering to lead him in the sinner’s prayer, giving him an opportunity to make a volte-face turn from the impending hell bound of those who do not have the salvific relationship with Jesus, it certainly is another opportunity. Some heard the same call, Church Services after dozens of Christian worship days before they finally decided, “I’m going to do it tonight!” For some others scores of proclaimers had to knock on the door of their homes or met them at different places before genuinely agreeing to say the prayer of salvation. In each of these cases does the philosophy of 'opportunity only knocks once' apply? Each time of a thousand times is actually the second chance, as far as God is concerned, explained Reverend Chris Okotie.Read More