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2Thess 2:7


The Lord Jesus will show up twice in the seventh week. Not touching the earth, His first appearance takes place in the middle of the seven weeks, –to remove the Church at the rapture. The next thing would be a global broadcast from the capital of the world! It would be something like, “Enemies of a peaceful earth must be rounded up and be punished.” The Antichrist is the spiritual progeny of Satan, the father of lies, ergo, he will find it facilely colorable to blame perceived enemies from Mars or wherever. This will give birth to branding. The number of his name is 666. It will be borne by all, great and small. This will prove that he, the son of perdition, owns the world and all its inhabitants, fronting for Lucifer, the god of this world. The truth, however, is that he cannot exercise his evil force to receive latria from us –the born-again Christians. Read More