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Better Not Make The Mistake (3)

One great Bible teacher defines agapē thus: “A love called out of the heart of the lover, on account of the value the lover has placed on the object of his love.” Quite ponderous, I believe. This is the love of Divine display towards Christianity: for God saw the Christ-value on those who would accept Jesus, the Author of salvation, and bestowed agapē on His object of love. Amen. This love is not a feeling per se, it is a commitment. This love will not say, “I love her, because of her hair, legs, face, intelligence, beauty, fame or wealth.” The agapē love stems from his commitment to the success of God’s institution: marriage. The word ‘submit’ is the Greek hupotassō (hoop-ot-as’-so): 'to arrange under, to subordinate, put in subjection, obey.’ The wife is expected, by the Institutor of marriage, to package herself and place herself under the instructions of her husband. The thing is, if you do not see this man as intelligent enough to place your being under him, just do not make the mistake of getting confined to him in marriage. Read More