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eisegetical indoctrinations


Of truth is that, one of the reasons for the Trinity is for redemption purpose. But your first error is from the theological point, Damina. God must exist in plural forms if the creation of intelligent beings will not be that which gives Him an experience of plurality in vitiation of the Scripture which says, “…that in all things he might have the preeminence” (Colossians 1:18). ‘Preeminence’ is the Greek prōteuō (prote-yoo’-o): ‘to be first, hold the first place; to be first (in rank or influence).’ Your second mistake is the use of ‘become’ in the existence of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. A ‘becoming’ is a production of a process. Any process must go through time, making the element of time an attendant witness to the act and art of the ‘becoming'. Time limitations of God’s Fatherhood, Sonship or of the Holy Spirit is an invalidation of the Creatorship of the Trinity. If Jehovah did become the Father, then the Father is devoid of eternality and the same goes for the Son and the Holy Spirit. What you, Damina, says about the possibility of Jehovah discarding the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, if He desires, tells a good Bible student that Dr. Abel Damina has sat, and had wasted his time graduating under the tutelage Arius. In fact, Muhammad, the prophet of Allah, said the same thing – that God can decide to kill Christ.Read More