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Usman wrote: "The government of a country is the government of its king without question. If the king is a Muslim, his land is Muslim; if he is an unbeliever, his land is a land of unbelievers. In these circumstances it is obligatory for anyone to leave it for another country." Going by Usman dan Fodio’s philosophic understanding, should he not have left Nigeria for another country like Saudi Arabia? Rather than co-exist with the people peacefully, he resorted to Muhammadan jihadism. Do your studies well to find out how the Emirates of Northern Nigeria emerged. They were of jihadic establishments. You cannot wage jihadism without spilling the blood of anyone who would not chorus, “Allah is the greatest, and Muhammad is his prophet.” Abdullahi dan Fodio, brother of Shehu ɗan Fodio stated that their family are part Fulani, and part Arabs, they are Arabs through Uqba ibn Nafi who was an Arab Muslim of the Umayyad branch of the Quraysh, and hence, a member of the family of the Prophet, Uqba ibn Nafi allegedly married a Fulani woman called Bajjumangbu through which the Torodbe family of Usman ɗan Fodio descended. We know what to expect from a descendant of Muhammad. The Islamic bond to Allah’s prophet must of necessity keep the flag of jihad flying. As long as Muhammadan jihad keeps resonating in the Islamic mind, blood must continue to flow to the sanguinary glory of Allah!Read More