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Ephesians 5:22-23


If you have to marry, understand that the man, first of Adamic creation, is the head of the family and he is in control of family matters according to divine fiat! Reverend Chris Okotie was his recondite self when teaching on the relationship between Adam the man and his wife. He said, “Adam, as a worker for God, has the entire earth as his platform; and Eve, his wife, has Adam, her husband, as her own platform.” How so abstruse, this exegetical establishment. Does the Scripture agree with the erudition of Reverend Chris Okotie? Genesis 2:15 “And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” The man, Adam, is the first worker for God and the earth is his platform. Superintendence over an entity lies with the namer of the object. In naming the woman, he proved to be her superintendent husband. In her creation, she was taken out of the existing Adam, her husband. Her husband is her source. Do we all not know what happens when one is cut off from one’s source? One begins to malfunction. When the husband withholds his duteous love of commitment, or and when the wife decides to jettison God’s submissive mand, the home experiences malfunctioning. If the man’s platform is the earth, based on his scriptural formation from the dust, the wife’s platform of her duty to the Creator is the man, out of whom she came into existence. As far as the family organization is concerned, the husband – the one who has God’s oracle – seeks direction from God; and God expects the wife to look up to the husband for her own direction. You cannot change God’s protocol. Coming from the LORD God, His command is eternally in order and in vogue. So, you see, if you cannot abide by divine rules, just forget about marriage.Read More