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feet washing

John 13:13 (part 2)

There is only one reason why a creature will deign to forsake the virtuous walk of unpretentiousness. It is pride. Lunatic pride of Satanism. Lucifer detests embracing the spirit of self-abasement. He would rather keep himself on a delusionary, prancing high horse, ambience of his phantasmal romance. Pride, as a matter of fact, goeth ere destruction. Pride has a way of making you think that you know a whole lot when the stark reality is that you are actually wallowing in abject ignorance.Read More

John 13:13 (part 1)

So, when Jesus said, "for so I am," the intimation here is simply, "for so Jehovah." 'Lord', in the Greek, is the same as the Old Testamentary Yahweh. This is the grand revelatory import! The Lord Jesus did suffer them to address Him as 'Lord' just because, the wholesome truth is that He happens to be the 'I AM' of their forefathers. He is the Supreme Ruler of the entire universe! This was not a case of an arrogation of falsehood of identity. "Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am" (John 13:13). Amen!Read More