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Genesis 31:29-30

I Will Build My Church (One)

The New Testamentary Church of the living God commenced with official Apostolic headship that nurtured the nascency of the Church into adulthood. At the death the Apostles, pastors e.g. Timothy and Titus began to head each local assembly. The Devil relentlessly perfected his pollution pursuit of the Church. Under the Apostolic care of John, the last of the Apostles, Satan raised Cerintus to pollute the scriptural heart of Church members with his Docetism. Docetic catechizing of Cerintus targeted the debauchment of Christological quiddity. He taught people of the Church that the Christ is just a consciousness, with no real life. That the concept of Christ merely sits on a person and after it has achieved its usefulness leaves. He taught that the Christ came upon Jesus at the Jordan baptism and left him when He went to the cross. Reverend Chris Okotie, very careful not to dabble into faux pas of eisegetical anomaly, will tell you when teaching the Bible, “I cannot give you an Eleventh Commandment.” In one of the General Superintendent of Deeper Life Bible Church, W. F. Kumuyi’s teaching on spiritual understanding of wearing earrings, he said, “They knew that those earrings had become like a god, demigod, goddess,” referring to Genesis 35:4. Pastor Kumuyi also taught, saying, “The wearing of mustache and beard could become gods.” Male members of Deeper Life Bible Ministry, headed by W.F. Kumuyi, for this reason, will not allow any jut of beard or the upper lip hair to show.Read More