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Genesis 35:1-3

Do You Have To Marry To Prove A Point? (6)

In like manner the wife’s ‘help meet’ stance is an official role. She holds the office of the other personality of the head of the family. This other person thinks, knows, wills like the husband and supports to actuation all his positive desires towards the service to God, as a family man. She becomes the other head that gives credence to proverbial two heads are better than one. The woman positions herself as the prayer warrior of the home. Her loyalty to her unflinching support to the husband’s aspirations provokes divine accelerated answers to the family’s prayer requests. The true position of the husband and the wife, albeit not three in number, is akin to the close operational quiddity of the Trinity. They must get it right, or else they are mere worthless actors. The wife, ergo, is under Divine spirit of mitzvah to stand as the greatest supporter of the husband’s priestly office. What does the efforts of her official role result to? The husband finds it much less arduous going through the rigours of family business. He is truly blessed, having found the good thing. A whole lot is at stake if couples fail to get it right. Selah! A headless body is a cadaver. Without the contribution of a husband the marriage suffers moribundity. Conversely, bodiless heads are freakish; without the wives' help meet submissions, what are brought before the Author of marriage are episodic proofs of parodic attempts. Read More