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Genesis 6:8


The resultant birth of those ones who emerged from parturient involvement of the daughters of Adamic nature and angels did not only give their offspring strides of acts of giantism, their existence was the freakishness of fiendishness. Angelic marriage to Adamic offspring can only produce freaks of half men half angels. The said sons of God cannot be the children of Seth, because his existence was not a direct creation from God, like his father, Adam. Seth came through the sexual efforts of Adamic progeny. The Eternality of Jehovah must create intelligent beings who will live forever. The marked evil and good dichotomy of Adam’s children made God to decide to save the antediluvian saints and annihilate the Noachian miscreants. The Bible says, “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD” (Genesis 6:8). To find grace in God’s eyes comes with a responsibility. The responsibility of a born again Christian is to love the LORD his God with all his heart, mind, strength and thought. He must, as a necessity, shine the light of Jesus for all to behold. Noah’s responsibility was to lead the righteous antediluvians away from God’s righteous indignation.Read More

YEAR 2021 A.D.

I am not going to leave anyone with the falsity that there are no calamitous days ahead of the Adamic race. Let it suffice, albeit, that the Holy One of Israel has promised, “.....for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Should the covid-19 vaccine be trusted? I, definitely, think not! Corona virus, I, believe, is real; international conspiracy to reduce human population is definitely a reality! No, the vaccine cannot plant 666 in you. Spiritual imbalance must be expected therefrom! Do remember that the first person to receive it happens to be a woman of ninety years eld. If you believe it was a mere coincidence, or out of sheer courtesy to the ladyhood, that a woman first got it, you are quite wrong! Satanism has the understanding that the Church is a woman of Jesus Christ. Lucifer, looking for his own counterfeit church, must give it to a woman first. 90 is made up of 9 in ten places. Ten is of trials. The Church must be ready to be shaken with satanic trials. Nine, pointing to pre-trial, should calm us down with the fact that the LORD has conditioned us prior to the onslaught of Satanism.Read More