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The Glossolalia (3rd Part)

Christians do not realize the kind of power they have been fortified with. The Holy Spirit came like a dove at the baptism of Jesus, simply because, as John’s name (the grace of God) is defined, Jesus came to broker peace between God and man. On the day of Pentecost, HE came as fire, to consume the nefarious machinations of the enemy. Read More

The Glossolalia (2nd Part)

"For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful" (1Corinthians 14:14). That the understanding is not fruitful does not serve as an estoppage of this gift. If my spirit prays, it is doubtlessly the fact that the Holy Spirit is the Giver of the celestial utterance.Read More

The Glossolalia (1st Part)

The perfection of Christ's reign has not taken place yet, or has it? Another argument stems from the fact that at the Pentecost the Holy Spirit gave them utterances of known languages and not this gibbering nonsense. This was no doubt, a reversal of Babel, when God confused the Nimrod (Antichrist) led building for Satan. Here, at Pentecost, Jesus had built His Church!Read More