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John 6:53-61


Was the good LORD dwelling on or teaching sanguineous bestiality of cannibalism? This is strictly an issue of spiritual facticity. “For all have sinned” is the necessitation of the phenomenal corollary of the providential blood. The enemy, the Devil, has successfully dulled the thought realm of Israel and is unable to come to spiritual terms with her Jehovah God, therefore, an unexpected departure from the Truth. All the Old Testament sacrificial rites were types and shadows of the ultimate sacrifice and the official inauguration took place at the Last Supper when Jesus told the disciples “For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matthew 26:28). When He shed His blood Jesus did not remain dead like the sacrificial animals of old. This means that, the Living Witness to our redemption must be, and is properly the Testator of the eternally saved souls. Read More