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Levite concept concerning marriage

Do You Have To Marry To Prove A Point? (4)

You, as the husband, are the high priest; you are involved in God’s matters as far as the marriage is concerned. The high priest needs a true aid for the actualization of the spiritual role of involvement. The wife’s submission goes a long way to establish the marriage on the Rock of Ages. It is the additional praying tongue that translates to what mathematics cannot explain all because it is the LORD’s doing, culmin ating in marvelous spectacle. What am I saying? When the man of the house says a thing, that is the voice of one praying; when the woman of the man of the house says, “Yes,” to the man’s instruction, she becomes the second person of spiritual contribution that yields more than the expected times two, found in Deuteronomy 32:30 “How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had shut them up?” Israel had gone the disappointing route of apostasy and the oracular afflatus wondered how one uncircumcised Roman soldier would chase a thousand army of Israel whose Rock is the true God.Read More