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Malachi 3:10

Tithes Revisited (two)

When the Temple curtain tore in two at the death of Jesus, the Holy Spirit left the Jerusalem Temple. After the Pentecostal inaugural establishment of the Church, HIS place of assemblage with God's children had always been the Church auditorium. That which was put in the storehouse must continue lest we be found guilty of "robbing God." Amen. 'Storehouse' of Malachi 3:10 is ôtsâr (o-tsaw'): 'a depository.' Three verses prove that ôtsâr is of the temple. Malachi 3:8, "Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings." If a refusal to handover tithes and offerings constitute robbery of God's property, and I give out only my offerings am I not a thief in tithing? Selah!Read More

Tithes Revisited (one)


           The legalism of Old Testament, concerning tithing, which they employ, does not hold any argumentative water at all. Abraham, who first offered his tithe did not have to comply out of any religious and coercive straitjacket terms. Father Abraham gave it out of sheer faith. Now we can comfortably say that God had no choice but to give an imprimatur to an idea solely envisioned by faithful Abraham, to bless HIS Israelites.

                It was not only a case of God knowing this in eternity of the past, HE was the One who deposited the thought into Abraham's heart. Amen.

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