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Mark 16:17-18

I Will Build My Church (Four)

God does not, technically speaking, lose things. Every born again Christian has come back to life eternal, sustained and maintained by the Author of salvation. The enemy will introduce these acts of sinfulness, definitely, but children of God ought to live up to the regenerated life in Christ Jesus. Satan, I have always made it clear, works twenty-five hours everyday; he knows what buttons to press in the mortality of our flesh to cause us to sin against the LORD God. All we need to do is to remember and to use God’s word to counter demonic operatives. Render satanic advancement inoperative by ignoring inordinate fleshly propensities: this is how to mortify our members when Satanism tries to control our emotions. We must mortify our members, not for the reason of keeping our salvation intact, but to prove the essence of our soteriological actuality. The Author of creationism Who also fashioned salvation is the One Who preserves the salvation of mankind. The essential reason for the rapture is to ensure the safety of Christianity when the Antichrist must, as a matter of justice, be allowed to have his day (one week or rather seven years). What is more, it will be unfair to allow the Church of the living God to remain on earth during the seven years, with the turbulence of the second half when Satan’s son must unleash brutality as never seen. The unfairness is that many Christians who know the God they serve and are full of the Holy Spirit will thwart the evil designs of Satanism. Jesus gave Christianity the power that surpasses that of Lucifer. Our steps are ordered by the King of glory, ensuring the words of Romans 16:20.Read More