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Matthew 5:24


The love of a parent does not permit him to twitch his nose when cleaning up his child of the putridity that comes from emptying the bowels. Commitment. The wife toils tirelessly to make the husband and the children comfortable. Commitment. Selflessly, the politician does everything to take care of the needs of the hoi polloi, the middle and the upper classes of the population, knowing that that is what the LORD God expects of him: he is committed to his political job. The love of Christ enables us not to perceive God’s commandments as being grievous. Having been graced with the attributes of love, the Holy Spirit has fortified us to live seamlessly in our walk with Jehovah. What constitutes perfection before God is doing His divine will. The LORD God is an economist when it comes to the use of words: verbosity cannot be found dancing on the lips of the Divinity. Adamic perfection is attainable. If not, He would have misused the words of Genesis 17:1 “And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.” Abraham’s integrity before the LORD his God was indubitable. His faith in God, unwavering, was absolute. Yes, one can be perfect before God. What does it take? Strict adherence to His instructions and commandments is all it takes. The perfect LORD God has made it less arduous for those whose hearts seek Him to attain unto perfection before His scrutiny. Malicious thoughts are constantly running through the minds of people through the agency of Satanism. In order to get this evil from man’s system Jesus taught in Matthew 5:24 “Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.” You cannot serve two masters, spiritually speaking, God understands this facticity. To help you get freed from the contamination of malice: a sowing of Satanism, the Word of God tells you never to show yourself in the presence of the Most High Jehovah with Lucifer as your companion.Read More