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Philippians 4:7


When relationships go awry the targeted realm of botheration is the mind. To the Christ-less individuals, they feel like being swallowed up by a gaping ground; life, to them, has come to a termination. But, never is it so – to the Christ initiated people. They show, in prayer, the unbearable cardiac situation to God in the precious name of Jesus and what happens? The LORD God who had long before then watched over His children showers them with the Excellency of heart soothing peace. His words of protection flood their minds. The angels of the LORD sentinel the activities of His children, ensuring that the destructive arrows of jilt do not overwhelm our mental stability. The heart of a born again Christian belongs to Jesus; and He is the custodian of the hearts of the redeemed souls. When a man or a woman says, “I don’t love you anymore; this is the end of the road;” the eternal love of Jesus stands: a pillar of strength, loving you more than you can ever imagine. Amen! Read More