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Once upon the evangelical Activities of the Apostles it says, “And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God” [Acts 13:44]. Believers met for the adoration of the Most High. Exodus 20:8 and Hebrews 10:25: they are mands of ecclesiastical direction of the assemblage. Tell me something here. Whose fault is it that we cannot spend as much time the Holy Spirit directs, or perform the salvific role of Mark 16:15, is it of covid19, the government, the Christians or of God, the Issuer of the fiat? It cannot be the fault of a non-cerebral virus –corona-virus—, which is devoid of intellectualism. God is eternally faultless, not because I am a bigoted freak of religiosity: it is simply on account of the fact that God is eternally sinless. The LORD God is too holy to be found guilty of any offence. He gave the commandment, He definitely will not break it, rather He will, on His divine part, uphold the veracity of His eternal word. Read More