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Romans 10:9


Who gives divine commandments? Is it not the LORD God of the Bible? The uniqueness of Jesus Christ is His Divinity. Does He not give the commandments of 1John 2:4-5? Muhammad clearly admitted that Jesus is Christ, fine. But he, unfortunately, failed to acknowledge the deity of Christ – theological aberrancy! If Muhammad gets a pass mark in his admittance of Jesus’ Christological essence, his incorrigible bent on Qur’ainc denial of divine Sonship of the Christ evidently validates the antichrist mission of Muhammad. There is absolutely nothing separating the Father and the Son: for They, together with the Holy Spirit form one God to Whom the entire creations give latria prostration. The Father sits to judge. The Son, having been poured forth in propitiation, to avert eternal damnation, must be the One to lead us to the Father’s acceptability. Where is the Holy Spirit, a prying thought would ask? He took a dwelling in the born again Christian, authenticating the celestial citizenship of the regenerated soul. Salvation requires the process of believing the Son of God – which Muhammad rejects – in John 3:16; and the asseverative confession of the Lordship of Jesus over one’s life in Romans 10:9. Muhammad’s abnegation of the Sonship of Jesus makes him, Muhammad, a liar, according to the Scripture found in 1John 2:22-23. The fact that the invocation of Jesus is a must to benefit in the divine beneficence of spiritual regeneration substantiates the Deity of Jesus Christ. Amen. Read More