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Salvation must be sanguineous


Who says Jesus Christ did not taste of death? That person must definitely be the worst calumnious candidate of Satanism. The death of the holy One of Israel had already gone the way of Divine ukase way back in Genesis 3:15 “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” By ‘bruise his heel’, the humanity of Jesus is meant. Jesus Christ died on the cross; He rose on the third day to deal a destructive, bruising blow on the Devil’s head. Why do you think God demanded Isaac’s sacrificial trial from Abraham? It is to legitimize a spiritual phenomenon: the LORD God experiments a similitude of event on terra firma. God would not go to any other person – who would disappoint Him –; to Abraham, His friend, whose faith in the Creator is definitely Gibraltar fixed, God went to perform a similitude of the ultimate Golgotha soteriological arrangement. Salvation must be sanguineous. The life of the Adamic creation is in his blood. For the sinner to regain fellowship with his Creator, blood must pay for blood. When they committed the original sin, a quadruped was killed, not only to engage in the exchange of the sinless animals for the Adamic sinfulness, but also and very importantly, to propitiate God. Read More