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telling lies

Better Not Make The Mistake (4)

Does God not know that mistakes will be committed? Why does He not stop them, after all He is a very responsible Jehovah? God knew there will be commitment of mistakes; it is for this reason He gave mankind His laws. Being the Alpha and the Omega, the Almighty, He had to give us laws to warn intelligent beings not to make mistakes of sinfulness. Your argument is, “So, if He knew I will commit this blunder and I do everything to make sure the mistake never happens, do I not prove the Almighty Omniscience wrong?” And still ruminating through your mind, “Also, looking at it from the angle of inevitability, if the LORD God has seen it coming, what can one do to avert the ineluctable futurism of divine establishment?” This thinking is sheer determinism. The doctrine of the Bible does not operate on fatalistic tendencies. God made us free moral agents. He does not create anybody to populate the number of insanity. Forces of darkness initiate evil eventualities more often; the good Lord sees it and expects you to activate your free moral agent dynamism. It is so amazing that the Book of Genesis holds the origination of all Adamic eventuation. Creating the first Eden Garden couple intelligent beings, God gave them the responsibility of free moral agency. Being beings of creationism, they did not possess the faculty of the Omniscience, ergo, prone to acts of gaucherie. To protect them from solecistic goad of evil Lucifer, God instructed Adam, concerning Eden, “to dress it and to keep it.” The two active dress and keep definitely, put Adam in responsible charge of the Garden, God’s House.Read More