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Was it not after the creation of the female Adam that God scored His creation, “Very good”? The Woman is the icing on the cake of the Adamic creation, epitomizing the Christological quiddity, and from whose matrix comes the Incarnation. “In the Woman,” Reverend Chris Okotie observed, as he explained, from his theological studies, “Is a Divine investment much more than the Man.” Our marital love and submission will be tested. The woman of Eden did not submit herself to the revealed words of, Genesis 2:17 “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” In order to save the marriage from another death, submission is the antidote. The Man would rather offend God; Adam forgot Deuteronomy 6:5 “And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.” To bring God into a perfect picture of the marriage, the man must take on the responsibility of the definition of God: love. Let the man ever treat his wife with the love of agapé, and let the LORD’s submission commandment from the wife be a continuous exercise. Marriage is a theological exclusivity for Christianity. Why would God tell Israel never to marry outside the community of Jewry? The investment is strictly for those who are close to Him. The first woman was created from an existing congruity of the male Adam. The woman must have her ears close to the man, agreeing with him in all things according to the Word of God. Knowing quite well that she comes from this Adam, the good LORD knows that the woman should not find it difficult to bring her submission to her husband. Marriage is definitely not about sex and child bearing. It is about strict commitment and submission to the will of the Institutor of marriage: JESUS. Selah!Read More


If you have to marry, understand that the man, first of Adamic creation, is the head of the family and he is in control of family matters according to divine fiat! Reverend Chris Okotie was his recondite self when teaching on the relationship between Adam the man and his wife. He said, “Adam, as a worker for God, has the entire earth as his platform; and Eve, his wife, has Adam, her husband, as her own platform.” How so abstruse, this exegetical establishment. Does the Scripture agree with the erudition of Reverend Chris Okotie? Genesis 2:15 “And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” The man, Adam, is the first worker for God and the earth is his platform. Superintendence over an entity lies with the namer of the object. In naming the woman, he proved to be her superintendent husband. In her creation, she was taken out of the existing Adam, her husband. Her husband is her source. Do we all not know what happens when one is cut off from one’s source? One begins to malfunction. When the husband withholds his duteous love of commitment, or and when the wife decides to jettison God’s submissive mand, the home experiences malfunctioning. If the man’s platform is the earth, based on his scriptural formation from the dust, the wife’s platform of her duty to the Creator is the man, out of whom she came into existence. As far as the family organization is concerned, the husband – the one who has God’s oracle – seeks direction from God; and God expects the wife to look up to the husband for her own direction. You cannot change God’s protocol. Coming from the LORD God, His command is eternally in order and in vogue. So, you see, if you cannot abide by divine rules, just forget about marriage.Read More


The reason why the woman happens to be the recipient of this hupotasso cautionary counsel of Divinity takes us back to the Eden commission of the original sin. Being the first to taste of the fruit of Satanism, she is very likely to see her husband as one beneath her as carnal propensity will allow. The only way to tame her satanic exposure is to bring her, as the wife, under the subjection of the man. God is so wise! Amen! The hatred borne out of cultural differences does not, in any way, have any place or any role to play in the Divine instituted matrimony. You cannot tell me you are a Christian and allow mundane culture to garb you in a benighted colouration. I, honestly, do understand the known medical hara-kiri involved in the marriage of a courting couple having genotypes of AS and SS or worst still SS and SS, considering a couple of AS and AS. Will I advise medically incongruity of a couple not to marry or to marry? Truly, my advice will be, “Are you sure of what you’re plunging yourself into? Because the danger is giving birth to children who’ll ask you why you brought them into this world only to suffer from periodic excruciating pains from childhood till the day of death.” I will not tell them it is wrong and scripturally sinful to enter into marriage. What if they have enough faith to avert the abnormality of genotypes for every offspring that comes from the wife’s womb? What if in the course of their marriage they are able to pray themselves into their change from abnormal genotypes? Will the man of God who had vehemently opposed the union not be seen as one having no knowledge of what the LORD God is capable of doing and who also is deficient in faith, without which no man pleases the LORD God? What if their conjugation has no intention of bearing children, but just to partake in God’s institution, to show forth an adumbration of Christ and His body? Theologically, carnal sentimentalism shoved aside, will such couple be stupid idiots to enter into marriage? Most definitely, I think not! Read More


The first thing of note is that marriage is expected to be contract of legality between two children of Jesus. I have always made the firm reiteration of the fact that marriage is truly an act between only Christians. It is God’s institution to propagate the earth with His covenantal people. The first marriage between the two Adams never experienced termination. Why? God will not involve two people who will destroy His institution. What did God do when the first humans committed the sin of death? He brought forth the lamb of propitiation, which is an adumbration of the Golgotha substitutionary death. The Golgotha phenomenon reestablished the marriage to the Lamb – a marriage that will never suffer termination. Are we ever going to have idiosyncratic differences with the Lord Jesus when we meet in heaven? It will never occur! The two marriage stabilizing verses, being God’s injunctions, have eternal consequence. Will two true Christians marry, the husband ready to shower the commitment of agapē, and the lady is duly, with all willingness, eager to hupotasso to the husband in all things as Ephesians 5:24 “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing” reads, and all other things will not fall in beautiful places? The word ‘subject’ of Ephesians 5:24 is also the Greek hupotasso. What are we to understand from this is that the wife’s submission is not intended to glorify or pamper the proclivity of the man’s idiosyncratic ego. I did not write the Bible, so I cannot be seen as being biased or chauvinistic. The husband, the man of the house, must bring the woman under his submission only according to the word of Christ so that his headship of the family will truly resemble the will of Jesus Christ for the Church.Read More


What we fail to acknowledge simply is that these lofty ideals could be fashions of Satanism, just to throw us off the true course of marital bliss. If it is not strictly in conformity with the Scriptures and you fail or refuse to jettison it, you may end up entangled in irredeemable confusion. When you take the dose of Divine prescription, it is unwise and evil to add your own ‘supplementary vitamin’ for more effectiveness. God’s dosage is eternally the accurate solution. On God’s prescribed solution to marital bliss hang other resultant facts. These facts emanate from God’s divine perception. Chasing after those resultant production is merely spending your hard earned resources on symptomatic issues, leaving the fatal ones to increase in evil strength. Symptoms are mere smokescreens intended to keep you far, far away from the true cause of insalubrity. Strict adherence to scriptural wisdom is what one should stick to, stubbornly, if you would. Of course, it is quite evident that their conjugal prescriptions tend to be sourced from God’s protocol, but their counselling are mainly on the trivialities of symptomatic issues like: make sure you kiss everyday; hold hands very often; know when to ask questions; you must sleep together on the same bed; do not keep secrets; wait for one another at meals; be frank with one another et cetera. What is wrong with these exhortations? Nothing. But they fail to address the two indubitable factors of marriage success. Read More