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Zechariah 9:11

Covenant Between God And Man (three)

Indubitable is the facticity that the Godhead did sit to determine soteriological actuality for Adam, before he is eventually created. It had been agreed between the Father and the Son, not without the acquiescent nod of the Holy Spirit, however. This is why the Church is God’s most phenomenal business venture. Divine security has been established for her – the Bride of Christ. Is the Adamic being not in free moral agency existence? He must be given the opportunity of choice. So, God, no doubt, did ask Adam to be made to fall asleep for Divine surgical operation of taking a rib: a rib to build His Church. It must be the rib by his side for two reasons. The rib looks like the rainbow which stands as the object of the covenant – between God and Noah – of not destroying the world with water again (Genesis 9:13). It must be the rib: for Israel, of which there is no other nation closer to God, is ‘a prince by the side of Jehovah.’ Man, a free moral agent, must be taken into consideration, except you do not understand that free moral agency went into his creation. God, being the Gentleman of eternality, must acknowledge His own terms of creationism. On account of Noah’s free moral agency God did approach him, “Build an ark: for I must preserve you: my expensive treasure.” I wonder where Dr. Abel Damina plucked his idea that, “God never told Noah to build an ark!” To prove that the ark was God’s idea, the Bible records the architectural specifications in Genesis 6:14-18.Read More