Lucifer desires to be seated and worshipped as god of gods
He does not want to be the only culprit. He will push some others to consummate his nefarious plots. This is an act he has mastered over the billions of years of his unfortunate existence. Has he not blinded billions of his conscripted force? He has tamed yet millions to believe that his satanic being is but a nonexistent mirage, in the perfection of their spiritual gulag confinement. He has promoted lots of them to the status of deified worshipful masters. This makes Lucifer the god of gods.
Could the above information be a fact?
If it looks like a huge joke of hilarity, it is simply because it is part of the wicked plot. To him it is a serious entrepreneurial venture with a mission to keep leering at God and His goodness. And I can promise you that Satan means a serious and apocalyptic business. Does it really surprise me how he could manoeuvre, probably, billions of holy angels to his evil side, even in the heavenly assizes of the rainbow administration of His Almighty Majesty? Not at all. How could Jehovah allow that, some will ask? The gullible spirits are the guilty ones. They did not check it out first with His Omnipotence before making a wrong use of their free moral agency. Everyone will stand separately before God to account for his deeds as a free moral agent.
Lucifer failed to make an evil goddess of the first woman: Eve
He thrives in the game of mendacity. The truth is that he cannot do otherwise. The path of credibility leads only to goodness, where Jehovah reigns supreme. Goodness nauseates what Lucifer had constituted for himself. Ergo, he trekked himself into the realm of obliquity. “I will give you kingdoms.” “You will be gods to be worshipped!” The overwhelming potency of Lucifer’s temptation was too much for the, already derailed, credulous angels. To their annihilation they followed the fraud of Satanism. Amen!
An angel of Jude verse 6
Today they are spending an embarrassingly torturous existence in Tartarus. 2Peter 2:4,“For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;” where ‘hell’ in the Greek is: tartaroō (tar-tar-o’-o) Thayer Definition: ‘the name of the subterranean region, doleful and dark, regarded by the ancient Greeks as the abode of the wicked dead, where they suffer punishment for their evil deeds; it answers to Gehenna of the Jews; to thrust down to Tartarus, to hold captive in Tartarus.’ Strong’s Definition: From Τάρταρος Tartaros̄ ‘(the deepest abyss of Hades); to incarcerate in eternal torment.’
Demons: the dark angels of Satanism
Satan still boasts of dark angels. They are the demons. To know more about demons read my post, “Demonism” by clicking on this URL … Satan has human minions as well. He could not perfect the exploitable stance offered by the first woman of Eden. Eve stuck to her husband to worship the true God. But Cain, on the other hand, donned a certain procacious toga. He was as brash and uncouth as his beastly, serpentine father. Cain and his descendants worshipped Lucifer. My post, “THE STAR AND THE CRESCENT,” with the URL, … explains his satanic role. Demigods did present themselves in the likeness of the fallen angels and their offspring, the famous star giants.
Nimrod, after the great deluge, turned out to be the most reliably indefectible specimen for satanic deity. Through Nimrod Lucifer was able to catalyze his ambitious god-of-gods agenda. Nimrod, who worshipped Lucifer, was also worshipped as the Baal. Nimrod means ‘rebellion’ or ‘the valiant.’ Thus he qualified to be designated an Antichrist. Baal, a worshipped deity, means ‘lord, master, owner and husband.’ Whatever one worships becomes ones Baal (husband). Satan wants to own all who comes to him. Nimrod, who was the sun god made his wife, Semiramis, the moon goddess. Their son, Tammuz, by whom the Babylonian trinity was consummated, received worship as well, especially from the womenfolk, who would observe an annual traditional, ritual of prostitution to await his return (does that not point to Jesus?). Baal worship is still a universal phenomenon.
Reject satanic worship; get born again.
Get Jesus initiated by getting born again: pray this prayer, believing it with all your heart. Say, “Dear heavenly Father, I come to You now in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sin. I believe that You raised Him from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and I receive Him now as my Lord and my Saviour. I give God all the glory. Amen!” (…to be continued…)
Click to read part two
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