Queen Elizabeth in a Masonic regalia.
(…continued from part 3…) He sits, ergo, atop an untold riches which has, over millennia, been kept only within the secret extremity of the occult. Only the initiates partake of it, wielding the mark or verbal symbolism of genuine partakers. Initiation is of utmost necessity. It is the crux of the Satanic matter. The initiation is what binds spiritually and legally to Satanism. Cain knew what he was doing when he gave the name of Enoch to the first among his offspring.
The Hebrew word for Enoch is chănôk (khan-oke’), meaning: ‘dedicated, initiated.’ Chănôk comes from chânak (khaw-nak’): ‘to train, train up, to dedicate, to narrow –i.e. strangle or choke to death; figuratively to initiate or discipline.’ Cain, like so many today, was absolutely sold unto Satanism. The initiate undergoes a death situation during the inevitable rituals. Your mind and mouth come under a seal of demonic pitch. What is discussed among your fellows remains within your piceous sealed mouth. Your freedom is gone. An unbelievably ruthless maniacal evil is the new custodian of your life. Woe betides anyone who dares to nurse an apostate notion from the fraternity. It is an abominable venture.
Winston Churchill –a great man of the world
Every nation had at once worshipped a god or another deity. That is a picture of immense joy to Satanic cackle for having the actualities of god of gods in favour of Lucifer. There are worshipful masters of esoteric assemblages. The masters give obeisance to Lucifer or an idol of demonic personage. Satan basks in an ecstasy of god of gods. Finally, he has successfully shot himself into material existence of what he was accused of in Isaiah 14:13-14 (13) “For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: (14) I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” The adverb ‘like’ is dâmâh (daw-maw’): ‘to compare; by implication to resemble, liken, consider.’
Lucifer became the dark angel of evil
His one, greedy desideration is to be compared to Jehovah God: sit on a throne, receive obeisance from fellow created beings and be applauded, “King of kings, Lord of lords (and most importantly), God of gods!” The truth is that he will definitely have his day, according to scriptural prophecy, all because he has earned the legality to be so, having been given the Adamic dominion when the first man fell sinfully. His incontestable days are so transient: an inconsequential seven years out of Christ’s eternal kingdom.
Nikola Tesla
There was a man called Nikola Tesla. He made a historically unprecedented discovery on electricity. It was reported that this Tesla was ready to give electricity to as many as would love to use it, anywhere around the globe, free of charge. It is also believed that the global powers that be were absolutely angered at his humanitarian disposition. The hugeness of the amount of money he intended to donate to the cause of human convenience could be used to further satanic domination of mankind. Tesla was reportedly killed by evil forces of Satanism.
Could the Madiba, Nelson Mandela, the revered great son of Africa, be part of the satanic scam of global governance? I saw him in the full regalia of a cultic affiliate of the Freemason. In one of Alan Vincent’s posts titled, “Nelson Mandela, Ubuntu, 46664, The Knights of Malta” he wrote, “Nelson Mandela was a Masonic Knight of Malta – a politico-religious order that serves the Vatican. It is also a Masonic order. Behind this hidden agenda are the new age global elite occultists who worship Lucifer the Light Bearer.” Knight of Malta is known to be one of the degrees of the Order, second only to probably the highest, Order of the Temple in the cultic rung. His South African brothers, Thabo Mbeki and Desmond Tutu are members as well.
President Thabo Mbeki in the middle
Is the Queen of England a Catholic? Why does she wear the Maltese knighthood regalia as well? Food for thought, I believe. This tells me that there is a Freemasonry meeting point for all cultic shenanigan. Archbishop Desmond Tutu wants the South African law to favour gay rights movement. It is not clear whether Mandela was a Methodist or Jehovah’s Witness, and his intellectual successor, Mbeki, sired by an atheist father, is not really known to belong to any church. How could these trio be initiated into the higher echelon of Maltese knighthood of Catholicism if not for the rendezvous of the Masonic occult? Yes. Food for thought!
Be part of the plan of the true God. Pray this prayer, believing it with all your heart. Say, “Dear heavenly Father, I come to You now in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sin. I believe that You raised Him from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and I receive Him now as my Lord and my Saviour. I give God all the glory. Amen!” (…to be concluded…)
Read part 3 here
Read the concluding part five, click here
Really? Seriously true, Lil Wayne?
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