Religious syncretism of Catholicism
(…continued from part ten…)
(XI) In the year 1090, Peter the Hermit introduced the use of the rosary into Catholicism. It was first of Hinduism then of Islamic Mohammedanism. Jesus told us never to indulge in vain repetitions in Matthew 6:7. The scapula, a piece of cloth having the picture of the Mary of Catholicism i.e. Semiramis, a heathenish talisman, was a 1287 invention of an English monk, Simon Stock, meant to protect its wearer who has it on his naked skin! How can a true Bible believer deign to allow any rumination of his mind to lead him into an asseveration, to believe that the traditions of the fallibility of human church goers, who constantly dwell in their known carnality, can ever be equal in authority to the revealed Bible? Well, the scapula, that is exactly what the Council of Trent held in 1545 declared!

Idolatrous adoration of the wafer
In fact, as if earlier concoctive poisons were not enough to energise an enervating laxness of spirituality, it placed the Bible in the church’s ‘Index of Forbidden Books’ in 1229. The Bible, God’s instruction to fallen man, became a taboo to laymen of Catholicism. How satanic can one be!? God Himself revealed to Joshua, His servant, where the secret of Moses’ success sprang from in Joshua 1:8, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” Read also 2Timothy 3:15-17. “Search the scriptures;” Jesus challenges in John 5:39, “for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.”The word ‘search’ is ereunao (er-yoo-nah’-o): ‘1. to seek 2. (figuratively) to investigate.’ Ereunao comes apparently from ereo (er-eh’-o) ‘to utter, i.e. speak or say (through the idea of inquiry). Jesus is the all in all; God over all. The verb ‘testify’ is martureo (mar-too-reh’-o) ‘to be a witness, i.e. testify {literally or figuratively}.’ Which scripture testifies of Mariology? None!
And the worst of all atrocities to emanate from Catholicism was Pope Francis’ intimation (in 2017) that God told him to re-orientate the Ten Commandments! The 2nd, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,……Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them:” of Exodus 20:4-5, according to him, would face an expunging as directed by the same Jehovah, who threw nations into annihilation for giving their genuflection of adoration to other gods, and were replaced by Israelites. The Bible it is, that wields the final ecumenical say, not the Catholicism of the Pope!

This is sun worship of Baal, the husband of Madonna.
Transubstantiation, a decree by Pope Innocent III in 1215, says that the Eucharist is the physical flesh and blood of Jesus; it became Catholicism Mass adoration by Pope Honorius in 1220. All the presiding priest needs to do is a magical abracadabra, and voila; Jesus’ flesh and blood is ready for a cannibalistic feast! Many would want to wonder why I bother myself with Catholicism of Mary. “Leave them alone,” many others will insist. Well, the truth must be told. We are at the end of time. Souls must be saved! Amen!
Catholicism owes the Christian world of believers where it got all these meretricious claims of its Mariology. Catholicism has successfully transmuted Mariology to an active Mariolatry unfortunately.
Only the Members of the Trinity receive the genuflection of adoration. Scraping before the statue of Madonna is strictly idolatry. A word, they say, is enough for the wise. Amen!!

Why should this Catholicism of Mary be any concern of my cogitation? Of course it is borne out of the simple facticity of Roman Catholic Church’s claim of Body-of-Christ connectivity. How can every Catholic Mass be complete only if “Hail Mary” ritualistic chant is an inevitability? Jesus did not become God merely by His conception in the matrix of Mary. Mary, ergo, did not give birth to Christ, God the Son. Jesus Christ is actually a divine compound fusion of a man, Adam or Jesus and the Christ, the LORD from heaven (Isaiah 9:6). Christ, in Mary’s womb, wore Jesus as a toga (John 1:14; 1Corinthians 15:45-47). The word ‘made,’ found in ”And the Word was made flesh,” of verse 14 is not about the creation of the Word. Ginomai (ghin’-om-ai) is the Greek for ‘made,’ meaning: ‘1. to cause to be (“gen”-erate) 2. (reflexively) to become (come into being).’ If the Word became, does it not follow simple logic that He was not flesh or Adam before becoming? The Word of God became a man which, hitherto, He was not. Jesus became God when the God-man compound was anointed in the heavenly assizes (Hebrews 1:8-13).

“Hail Mary” apotheosizes a humble, Jesus worshipping Mary! “Hail Mary” is a ‘Systematic Theotokos’ contraption of Catholicism: an unbiblical Mariology. Its sole bourne is Mariolatry! Truth be told, Mariolatry is anthropolatry! If Catholics should argue that Mariology is not Mariolatry, then why do the Catholic faithfuls kneel before the statue of Mary in prayer? A billion and two hundred million die-hard adherence fail to see the intrinsic shame of Mariology when we understand that the Church happens to be the pillar and the ground of Jesus’ truth! Selah!
(…to be concluded…)
NB= I’d very much love to read your candid contributions. Thank you!
Read the 10th part here
Click here to read the concluding 12th part
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