Faithful Abraham
(…continued from part four…)
5) After many years of Nimrodic temerarious worship saw an introduction of the faith endearing walk of Abraham. Abraham’s tyro walk even as it exposed the tremulousness of an abecedarian at his sight of the imposing hegemonic Egyptian Pharaoh, God, latching on the covenant He had with Abraham, got Him swinging into action. The table turned in Abraham’s favour. It was the Pharaoh who had to appease Abraham, making him very rich.
Show wisdom. Stand on the pillar of faith and the riches of the world will be yours, just like that, in Jesus’ name!

Abraham received blessing from Melchizedek
All that was necessary for Abraham to have was not twelve princes like Ismael. Just one Isaac was all that was required to hold the baton of patriarchy: and that puts God’s transcendence to bear on weak human affairs. Have faith. Did Joseph not make his entrance as an Egyptian slave? What happened when God involved His control in his slavery life? At the time of a huge increase in Israel’s population, it was a return bout when Egypt had metamorphosed into the superpower of the entire globe. Pharaoh’s ungodly proclivity ran him as insane as his liar-father, Lucifer. His temerity earned him his comeuppance. Amen.

Every machination of the Antichrist must be designed to accept God’s protocol. Control! Satanism cannot, dares not operate outside God’s sanction of his evil games. The Bible says he will give the number representing his name (666) to the people he will lord it over. He must do that. His hegemonic Satanism is just seven years. He cannot exceed this. Control. The Church must experience the eschatological rapture a la Enoch’s ‘translation’ and before then the Antichrist son of Lucifer cannot set up any earthly governmental machinery over born again members of the body of Christ -the true Christians. Impossible! “Impossican’t!” (My Pastor, Rev. Chris Okotie will jocularly asseverate).

The Holy Spirit is our spiritual energy
Our physical presence on terra firma is God’s full control over the governmental emergence of the evil antics of the son of perdition. There cannot be two masters on a ship. The stark reality is simply that our presence will make it impossible for his satanic hegemony. One prayer from true Christians will bind and cast him to the hellish abode he eventually belongs. God’s equitable jurisdiction, therefore, must allow Satan to have his evil day.

The propriety of jurisprudence, in this context of Lucifer being the god of this world system, owing to the historical fact that Adam gave the earth to the Devil when he sinned, man’s slavery to a physical dominion of the Antichrist is a comeuppance. Even in his hegemonic stance in the eschatology of Divine calendar, Jehovah does not cease to be in control. Israel will be God’s mouthpiece. His covenant with Israel is His legality. Israel has seven more years to receive her Messiah. God’s control makes it imperative for Lucifer not to have more than seven remaining years of the Law Dispensation. Of the seven, the Antichrist must do good deeds during the first half.

Satan almost killed lovely ‘BBB,’ a wonderful blogger, but Jesus was in full control!
Jesus took three and a half years of the seven (in His ministry of going about doing good). After the peaceful years: “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape” [1Thessalonians 5:3] is the betiding phenomenon. Evil as never before. He will be left with only the second half of the seven years to unleash all the cruelty of the demented mind of Satan, his lost father of lies. The Divine calendar of Dispensation of Grace, having brought to its logical conclusion by the rapture of Christians, the remaining part of the suspended Dispensation of the Law is employed to deal with the Antichrist and his foul father when Israel would have to cry unto Jehovah as usual, and even to the chagrin of Israel, Jesus will be the One to show up: for He is the Jehovah –in the fullest control! Amen. Hallelujah!!

Man has always been a bad manager of his life. Let God be in control of your life for proper management. Get born again. Say this prayer, meaning it:
“Dear heavenly Father, I come to You now in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sin. I believe that You raised Him from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and I receive Him now as my Lord and my Saviour. I give God all the glory. Amen!”
Read the fourth part by clicking here

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