Jilted, the wholeness of your world comes crumbling in a million, unbelievable shattered mess. It is one time of your life when absolutely nothing is of the capability to soothe you to pacification. You see your very heart broken: broken in pieces of impairment. It feels so irredeemably true – to you – that there is no sewing ingenuity capable of mending the torn-apart heart. You weep but discover, to your chagrin, that in your shattered moments that you actually need more weeping mouths to conclude a satisfactory cry of anguished woe. You believe so sorrowfully that the gallons of uncontrollable flowing tears will be too inadequate to flush out this excruciating pang: freeing yourself from this misery.

How many have told themselves, “The best way out of this unbearableness is death.” Seeing death as the only panacea, without thinking twice or for the fifth time of the period of intense anguish, two minutes after those deathly decisions, they were found lifeless, ready for internment. So many are the suicidal attempts that had left, and have continued to leave victims of heartbreak: physically impaired; one or two limbs crippled; blinded in one or both eyes; mentally deficient. All caused by self-prescriptive administer of a kill-me-quick chemically charged antidote. A careless heartbroken victim is likely to be hurled into irredeemable suffering. This is why one needs Jesus.

Use the WORD of God
A very young beautiful girl, my ‘area daughter’, Iyabo Aderoju, in the late seventies, was very pained when her boyfriend jilted her. More painful she felt, especially, for the calumnious rant towards her person by the misbehaving boy. Iyabo said to me, “Brother, I am weeping inside me, but the tears will not burst forth down my cheeks. I should be wailing, but there is a certain joy from Jesus in my heart – as a born again – that has swallowed up the tearful pangs.” This is what I am trying to put across.

“And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” [Genesis 1:2].
All a man needs is to fill his heart with the eternal love of Jesus Christ to the brim of his being and to an overflow, and swimming in that love of the Redeemer of souls. Get truly born again. Sign an eternal pact with the Author of faith in God the Father. Let the Holy Spirit fill you with the eternality of His divine influence: and let us see who can victimise you with a silly heartbreaking jilt. It is an attack well wrapped in the gauze of impossibility, when anyone tries to break the heart of God’s child. With Jesus, the eternal irrevocability of the sweetness of His love, well established in your person, the evil feeling of mundane jilt of a transient man or woman will meet with an overwhelming avalanche of the love of Jesus. It will be so infinitesimally inconsequential that it will just be flushed out of you without you even knowing of any pang of sensual disturbance. The love of Jesus is too powerful for any pad and creep of Satanism trying to gate crash your sanctified heart.

God gives peace that passes all understanding
There is a certain peace that passes all understanding. Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” The Greek word for ‘peace’ is eirene (ei-ree’-nee): ‘1. peace. 2. (by implication) prosperity.’ The Greek for ‘passeth’ is huperecho (hï-per-e’-chō): ‘1. to hold oneself above. 2. (figuratively) to excel. 3. (participle as adjec;tive, or neuter as noun) superior, superiority.’ Phroureo (frou-re’-ō) is the Greek for ‘shall keep’, meaning: ‘1. to be a watcher in advance, i.e. to mount guard as a sentinel (post spies at gates) 2. (figuratively) to hem in, protect.’ ‘Hearts’ is kardia (kar-d̮iy’-a): ‘1. the heart. 2. (figuratively) the thoughts or feelings (mind). 3. (by analogy) the middle.’ And ‘mind’ is noema (no’-ee-ma) meaning: ‘1. a perception, i.e. purpose. 2. (by implication) the intellect, disposition, itself.’

When relationships go awry the targeted realm of botheration is the mind. To the Christ-less individuals, they feel like being swallowed up by a gaping ground; life, to them, has come to a termination. But, never is it so – to the Christ initiated people. They show, in prayer, the unbearable cardiac situation to God in the precious name of Jesus and what happens? The LORD God who had long before then watched over His children showers them with the excellency of heart soothing peace. His words of protection flood their minds. The angels of the LORD sentinel the activities of His children, ensuring that the destructive arrows of jilt do not overwhelm our mental stability.
The heart of a born again Christian belongs to Jesus; and He is the custodian of the hearts of the redeemed souls. When a man or a woman says, “I don’t love you anymore; this is the end of the road;” the eternal love of Jesus stands: a pillar of strength, loving you more than you can ever imagine. Amen!

Praying the sinner’s prayer as it is contained in Romans 10:8-10 is the prayer of salvation that gets one born again. This settles the spiritual quarrel man has with God. To get born again, say this prayer, with all your heart:
Dear heavenly FATHER, I come to You now in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that Jesus died for my sins. I believe that You raised Jesus Christ from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. Today, I receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Saviour and I give God all the glory. Amen.
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