Christianity Is The Only Way To Salvation (five)

All bow in worship, in heaven, to the Lamb, JESUS CHRIST of Christianity.
(…continues from part 4…)
5) I hear some people make asseveration that Christianity is not necessarily linked to every earthly problem. Quite untrue, I must make unteachable, the didacticism of wrong mindset of human calculation. Christians are followers of Christ; they follow Him because they are well aware of the One they have decided to follow. Does it occur to human reasoning that the first human couple was a practitioner of Christianity? They were God’s children. Jesus said to His disciples, “When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name;” and this verse definitely laid the foundation of divine brotherhood, in Luke 11:2. If the first of human creations were made in the likeness and also the image of the LORD God who entranced Eden every cool of the evening, is there any cause not to believe that they bowed in the latria before their Creator, who happened to be the pre-Incarnation of Jesus Christ? If the prototypes worshipped and followed the Christ, Christianity is irrefragably the established way of life in the agreed counsel of Godhead, even as it obtains in heaven.

The first earthly Eden Church
We understand that Christ is the Word of God. The mystical body of Christ is the Church. The Church had its Adamic foundation in the Eden Garden. Every instruction pertaining to human business and activity must speak the Christian language powered by the Word of God. The first instruction given to mankind was, “to dress it and to keep it” found in Genesis 2:15. What is ‘dress’ in Hebrew? It is ‛âbad (aw-bad’): ‘to work; serve; labour.’ Without the mind of Christ you will not succeed as a worker, servant or labourer in civil or ecclesiastical functionality. This is the truth. The word ‘keep’ is shâmar (shaw-mar’): ‘properly to hedge about (as with thorns), that is, guard; generally to protect, attend to.’ The job of Adam, the head of humanity, is to protect the Eden garden, both spiritually and politically. His failure arose from not following Christ as strictly instructed. Take away the mind of Christ from any decision, and you have just bungled it before any action is taken. Before God, we will always be children. The wise Jehovah knew this so to Adam and his wife He gave instructions. Instructions are steps to be taken to ensure success.
Why did God give Jacob the name Israel – which means ‘he will rule,’ or ‘a prince by the side of God’? It is because from Israel will come the rejuvenation of Christianity which Adam polluted with the original sin. In the wilderness, the LORD God gave them many laws to enhance fruitful coexistence between God and His created man. Most popular are the Ten Commandments; and most of which run through the statutory laws of global adjudication.

The Incarnation of Christ.
Even if it is not in truth and in Spirit, most countries of the world observe the Sabbath. “In God we trust,” declares the ‘almighty’, American dollar. Murder is a very serious offence, where does it come from? God’s code of human conduct establishes this law, even with a capital punishment. Lying against one another is globally frowned upon; it carries legal punishments of different magnitudes. Affiliated to lying is the serious sentence on perjury. The ninth Mosaic Law published it in Exodus 20:16, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” Adultery, prostitution, illegal acquisition of another person’s spouse, they have their emanation from the Christian Bible.
Does the whole wide world not stand in celebrative still on Christmas, Easter and New Year’s days? Christianity. What was the reason for the Incarnation of the holy One of Israel? Christianity. Why did Jesus die? Christianity. The Antichrist, when he is revealed before the rapture, would he dare close down the Churches of God? The prayers of the saints of Jesus Christ will put him in deep trouble! He is a false Christ; he must therefore act an imitative “Prince of peace” of Christ’s millennial rule; he must bring peace to the world. Three and a half years after the rapture, when the true body of Christ had been removed, the power of Christ would contend with him, hell would be let loose! The removal of Christians from the earth will result in chaotic cataclysm: no saint to confront evil with, “Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name!” Selah!

Getting born again is a conscious effort on the part of an individual. Get born again. Say this sinner’s prayer.
“Dear heavenly Father, I come to You now in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sin. I believe that You raised Him from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and I receive Him now as my Lord and my Saviour. I give God all the glory. Amen!”
Read part four here
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