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01a057c39acf94fa60793faa03f6582d                                        Cain, you did ask for it, didn’t you?

(continued from part three)   It goes beyond a case of questioning His authority, you are actually insulting Jehovah when you try to play God. The excellence of God’s personage is so salient that the creation of man must truly be godlike in order not to marginalize His creative prowess. To Adam God imputed free moral agency.

God did brief Adam when he was made the lord of the earth. In the course of bringing her to Adam, God would, no doubt, have briefed the woman on her ‘help meet for him’ role. While Adam was ‘to dress and to keep’ the Garden, the woman was to serve as a ‘help meet.’ ‘Dress’ is ‛âbad (aw-bad’) ‘to work (in any sense); by implication to serve, till, (causatively) enslave, etc.’ ‘Help meet’ in Hebrew, is ‛êzer (ay’-zer): ‘aid;’ this word comes from ‛âzar (aw-zar’): ‘to surround, that is, protect or aid.’

1372004275_Forbidden fruit (always the best)

                                              Man was made a free moral agent

The woman that God brought was a bodyguard; whose job was to support her husband by agreeing with him, who is the lord, priest and the prophet of Eden and consequently the earth. They were absolutely responsible for their action or inaction. It was a mark of gross perfidy when Cain defiantly asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” These words were the proof of an apodeictic apostasy. The word ‘keeper’ is shâmar (shaw-mar’): ‘properly to hedge about (as with thorns), that is, guard; generally to protect, attend to, etc.’ Shâmar is the same word God used when He told Adam to ‘keep’ the Garden. The eternally uprightness of God’s word of instruction became despicable to Cain’s warped perception. “I don’t need Your instructions, I’ll rather protect myself,” were the words of Cain. God allowed him to stray into oblivion. Cain was tested. He failed.

As many ladies lived unaccompanied by the word of God, that so many got mesmerized by the attractiveness of the cruel, fallen angels of Lucifer. The consequence of free moral agency misapplication. God desires to populate the creation with intelligent, free moral agents. You, as an individual, most definitely know what is appropriate. You desire good things and acquire those things. There are situations we detest. We go to all extent to ensure their impossibility. The things we deprecate, unfortunately, are the things many humans mete out to others. Egotism. Cupidity. Man’s pretensions are quite alarming.


                 A robot isn’t a free moral agent, but the offspring of Adam is.

A robot cannot pretend to be anything else. It is programmed for its activities. God wants beings who can receive anointing for deification. Those who, willingly, will decide to follow God’s will are the creatures of His dream. Fall short of His dream and you have become a daydreamer. Any desire outside Christ is a falsehood of reverie. The tragedy is that too many lack the righteousness of Jesus.

If any will do what will be pleasing unto the Lord, he must meditate on, and comply with Romans 12:2 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” The present continuous ‘renewing’ is anakainōsis (an-ak-ah’-ee-no-sis) ‘renovation, complete change for the better;’ while ‘transformed’ is metamorphoō (met-am-or-fo’-o) ‘to transform (literally or figuratively “metamorphose”).’

Satan will most certainly run evil thoughts through your mind. A design to make you place the onus of your predicament on God. What Job said in Job 1:21, “….the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD;” is a scriptural anomaly. Was it not Satan who did evil to him? God does not do evil. HE should never be castigated for any misfortune. In James 1:13-27; verses 13-14 read: 13) “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: 14) But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.” I will always be responsible for all my actions, and you are to take the full responsibility for whatever happens to you.


Curse God and die,” his wife ill advised.

I have always made sure I never, for any reason, fling an iota of blame at God for any misfortune I find myself in. ‘Tempted’ is the Greek word peirazō (pi-rad’-zo) ‘to test (objectively), that is, endeavor, scrutinize, entice, discipline.’ Put contextually, ‘tempted’ has to do with ‘enticement to sin,’ going by the fact that peirazō as temptation has two grand meanings, ‘solicitation to sin, and trial from providential situation or circumstances.’

God will never be an accomplice to an evil act of sin. The words ‘drawn away’ is exelkō (ex-el’-ko). This is what Thayer Definition says: ‘to draw out, metaphorically: lure forth: in hunting and fishing as game is lured from its hiding place, so man by lure is allured from the safety of self-restraint to sin.’ In James 1:14, the language of the hunting is transferred to the seduction of a harlot.’ From Strong’s Definition: ‘to drag forth, that is, (figuratively) to entice (to sin).’ Sincerely speaking, this is where the generality of mankind is guilty.

At the end of all these trials those who decide to use their free moral agency Christ-like will be deified. Everywhere on earth, it will be god here god there. God, god, god of deified man, gloriously everywhere! Amen.      (…to be concluded…)

To read part three click here

Read the concluding part five: click here


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My name is H.O. Ojewale. I was born in 17th March, 1955, in the then Gold Coast, now Ghana, Greater Accra. My parents are Nigerians. I am married with three wonderful children.


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