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President Muhammadu Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari

                The resident will, in heart of the Creator, has always been the reason for the divine choices He makes. The object of His choice ineluctably receives the enablement of Divinity for fructification. The day He bent down over an inconsequential sparged dust, meant to bring Adam into existence, it was pellucid that the LORD God was up to something. Curiosity got the worst of Lucifer. Adam was given two breaths of lives to the devil’s chagrin. God’s act of, “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life” of Genesis 2:7, in the Hebraic understanding is actually, ‘breath of lives’. Man had received the licence to act and speak on the behalf of the Almighty. Rather than kill them for disobedience to His word, the LORD God made another law called the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:2) when He used the two animals whose deaths are prognosticative of the ultimate sacrifice –of the cross. The soteriology became a lucidity.

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Othman Dan Fodio

Othman Dan Fodio

                Any soul whose heart pants, as the hart’s after water, towards the will of God receives His rapt attention. The same soul, by the reason of the ‘revived spirit’ of the “breath  of lives” experience, compels the LORD God to make this soulish being His divine business. There must be rapture of the Christians; a similitude of it, ergo, was displayed by taking of a saint of the antediluvian age, Enoch, exempting him from the natural death known to the sinful occupants of the terra firma. God proved that He had always been faithful. He made the survival of mankind a possibility; knowing fully well that some are truly His, eight antediluvian saints led by Noah were miraculously kept in the ark, together with domesticated and dangerous beasts, for a total one hundred and ninety days.

                Genesis 9:1, And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.” On account of this blessedness the evil of Genesis 9:24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him;” the LORD God would not allow Noah to place a direct curse upon his second son, Ham. “And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren” (Genesis 9:25).

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Chief Festus Okotie-Eboh

Chief Festus Okotie-Eboh

                What does the backward act of Shem and Japheth prognosticate? Genesis 9:23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness.” The backward movement points to the global apostasy of the human race. Shem must do something about it. Through him the Saviour will enter our world and Shem, i.e. Israel, will be the first to proclaim the gospel of the grace, bringing to reality “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus” into phenomenality. Amen. That God must make spiritual contact with Israel is seen in Adam’s scamper to the fig tree to be sheltered from ignominy. Israel is metaphorically called the “fig tree” [Hosea 9:10]. Israel must be the first to receive this salvation: for it says “first to the Jew, then to the Gentiles” (Romans 1:16).

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The golden voice of Africa, Tafawa Balewa, first Prime Minister of Nigeria

Tafawa Balewa

                Japheth, through Europe, his progeny, having enlarged the spread of the salvation of Jesus Christ, Ham, the father of the so called ‘Black race,’ must attend to God’s soteriological business, this end time. Nigeria is not only the most populous of the African continent, it has so many very prominent ecclesiastical ministers of the gospel. Ecclesiastically, it has at least three of the world’s largest auditoriums for Church worship. It is a very rich country like Israel, of Shem and Europe of Japheth. The first named colour of the Scripture is ‘green’. Nigeria is well known for this colour (green, white, green) of her flag.

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Nnamdi Kanu, leader of IPOB of Nigeria

Nnamdi Kanu

                Lucifer made an incursion into Eden garden to prevent Adam from exercising his ordained role for God. Israel was well troubled by the enemy of Jesus for hosting the prophetic Emmanuel –Jesus. The true Church –the Body of Christ— was hunted for teaching the truth. The first man to tread an incursive jihadism into the land of Nigeria was Othman Dan Fodio, born in December 15, 1754, and died in April 20, 1817. His intention was to turn Nigeria into an Islamic State, contrary to the wish of Jehovah, to whom Nigeria is a client nation. Othman Dan Fodio could not go farther than the Northern part of the entire land mass of Nigeria. The reason is quite simple: God had His willing children located in the Southern part of His client nation. The North of Nigeria, since independence, had continued to remain the backward region.

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Ahmadu Bello, first Premier of Northern Region of Nigeria

Sir Ahmadu Bello

                Some days after independence, this statement was credited to the first and only Premier of the Northern Region of Nigeria, ”The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our grandfather, Othman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We must use the minorities in the North as willing tools and South as conquered territories and never allow their future.”
-SIR AHMADU BELLO, October 12, 1960.

                And since then the North had believed, so erroneously, that the political governance of Nigeria is the birthright of the Fulani oligarchy with the full backing of Othman Dan Fodio’s spirit of jihadism.           


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Jihadism of Islamism

Jihad is about spilling the blood of a non-Muslim

                Could jihadism be an institution of Jehovah God? It is the core of Islamic expansion. Jihadism is the evangelical machinery of Muhammadan Islam. Jihadism is pure terrorism. It cannot be the way of the Jehovah God. This is how the soteriological expansion is biblically instituted; Mark 16:15 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Another Scripture documents, “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19) Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20) Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen” [Matthew 28:18-20].

(…to be concluded…)

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My name is H.O. Ojewale. I was born in 17th March, 1955, in the then Gold Coast, now Ghana, Greater Accra. My parents are Nigerians. I am married with three wonderful children.


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