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Genesis 2:7

Two Dimensions Of God’s Nature (One)

Genesis 1:26 validates the anthropopathism and anthropomorphism of God. While the anthropopathism of God shows that the LORD God is never without empathy, which He poured forth on mankind, the Person of the Second Member of the Godhead, Jesus, is the Actuator of God’s compassion to save Adam. Anthropomorphism of the Creator is evidentiary when one looks at Adam’s head, limbs and torso. How, tell me, can His proximity to the sculptural piece of Adam in Eden be so pellucid, and the human mind will only see Him as a mere Potter and not apprehend the soteriology? The use of the nose shows the human likeness of God; but it should also be noted that God does not depend on the nose to supply Him with life supporting oxygen. God is the very essence of life. He is too complete to need air through organic lungs. It is, ergo, absurd to think of Jehovah in a respiratory act, as He sits on the throne. Scriptural documentation tells us that God has ears.Read More


And the legality involvement stems from the two breathed lives into Adam. From the Hebraic point of couch, it reads, 'breath of lives' – animal and intellectual lives. Lucifer knew what button of punch manipulability to strike to appeal to the animalistic nature of Adam. The thing is that God created an Adamic entity whom He had decided, long before his creation, to forgive, ergo, Adam must possess an intellectual life, able to reason with his Creator. Breathed into Adam were the soul and spirit; the soul is the seat of his carnal emotionalism while the spirit is Adamic rendezvous with the Holy Spirit. At the fall he died spiritually. God was actually ready for that unfortunate eventuality – the Creator killed animals to sustain his life till the substitutionary death of Golgotha.Read More


Some days after independence, this statement was credited to the first and only Premier of the Northern Region of Nigeria, ''The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our grandfather, Othman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We must use the minorities in the North as willing tools and South as conquered territories and never allow their future.'' -SIR AHMADU BELLO, October 12, 1960. And since then the North had believed, so erroneously, that the political governance of Nigeria is the birthright of the Fulani oligarchy with the full backing of Othman Dan Fodio’s spirit of jihadism.Read More