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New Year


“Surely I come quickly,” are the words of Jesus. Time must, in reverential bidding of Jesus, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty, even the Express Word of God, hurry up to honour Divine interest. Should this alacrity rouse in us, apprehensive mindset or glorious hope of joy? Get much, more, closer to the LORD God, follow the Word of God, Jesus Christ, as the days get closer to the end of earthly rottenness. 2025 adds up to 9. Nine speaks of pretrial, which God, with Whom you are spiritually related, has taken care of because He loves you. 2025 also has 2 – number for testimony; and 7 – scriptural number for God’s perfection. Do the numbers of this year end with five? That is the grace of God: abiding with you throughout 2025.Read More

Year 2022

In the midst of the turbulence that badger humanity these days: - with all the scary untruthfulness of Covid wahala (Yoruba term for 'trouble'); of global Islamic jihadism; unstable governance (especially, that of Muhammad Buhari of Nigeria) and lies upon lies from global leadership, if you will be smart enough to put all your eggs in just one basket (as against the maxim of earthly disposition) of the faith in the LORD God, you will testify of the goodness of God in year 2022.Read More

YEAR 2021 A.D.

I am not going to leave anyone with the falsity that there are no calamitous days ahead of the Adamic race. Let it suffice, albeit, that the Holy One of Israel has promised, “.....for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Should the covid-19 vaccine be trusted? I, definitely, think not! Corona virus, I, believe, is real; international conspiracy to reduce human population is definitely a reality! No, the vaccine cannot plant 666 in you. Spiritual imbalance must be expected therefrom! Do remember that the first person to receive it happens to be a woman of ninety years eld. If you believe it was a mere coincidence, or out of sheer courtesy to the ladyhood, that a woman first got it, you are quite wrong! Satanism has the understanding that the Church is a woman of Jesus Christ. Lucifer, looking for his own counterfeit church, must give it to a woman first. 90 is made up of 9 in ten places. Ten is of trials. The Church must be ready to be shaken with satanic trials. Nine, pointing to pre-trial, should calm us down with the fact that the LORD has conditioned us prior to the onslaught of Satanism.Read More


You can never lose –if you put all your eggs in just one basket. The wisdom of the world counsels you not to put all your eggs in one basket lest you run into economic loss. But as far as the word of God is concerned you must put all your eggs in one basket: the basket of Jesus. Whatever calculations they operate into your life you will not lose. If the enemy should perform a mathematical 20-20=0 or 2-2=0, the Bible says all their calculated machinations shall come to a big, fat nought –zero. Let them carry out an operation of multiplication with the numbers, let it not lead you into any apprehension, they have succeeded in making a Jabez of your life.Read More