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2Corinthians 5:19-21


What they believe is that one must observe and maintain his righteousness in order not to miss heaven. The question is: are we righteous by our deeds? What does the word of God say? Only God, the sinless One, can author the soteriology. Sinless Christ Jesus must be of the Divinity to carry out the katallasso. There in Eden God created souls for Adam and his wife; souls that suffered corruption and died. But here in 2Corinthians 5:19-21, katallasso removed the sinfulness, and the mutuality garbed the born again with the eternal holiness of Christ. The old nature is dead. Man cannot maintain this divine exchange, only the Institutor of soteriology can and responsibly ensures the sustainability of the katallasso. The soteriological quiddity is incontestably of the Divinity. 1Corinthians 3:11 “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” The foundation of the Christian salvation is the eternality of Christ the Lord of glory, which is, and which was, and which is to come; the Almighty. To lose this Christian salvation is an indictment on the finished work of the Golgotha sanguineousness. The Christian who fails to do well will only suffer from not being accorded celestial elevation. 1Corinthians 3:15 “If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.” Should one lose one’s Christian salvation, then the Bible is fraught with contradictions: for it says, “but he himself shall be saved.” Now when it comes to righteousness, the LORD is our righteousness as the Bible attests to in Jeremiah 23:6. Who is this LORD? He is Jesus Christ our Saviour. As long as Jesus cannot lose His Divine righteousness, we remain righteous, spiritually, before the thrice holy God the Father. Amen! Read More


John chapter three verse sixteen is the entire Bible compacted in one single verse. God’s intent and will bespeak its theological posture. God’s responsible stance is seen in His divine care for His creation. His beneficence is the gift of eternal life through the Author of creationism. God’s grand gift to the fallen Adamic creature is the soteriology. Most definitely, all that the LORD God is trying to communicate to mankind is none other than Jesus Christ. One classic Qur’anic chapter of Christ’s divine Sonship vitiation is the 112th, titled Al-Ikhlas of which all the verses of 1-4 reads: “Say, “He is Allah, [who is] One, 2) Allah, the Eternal Refuge. 3) He neither begets nor is born, 4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent.” For this Muhammadan recitation, nothing changes the minds of true Moslems. However, the Bible is the finality of God’s dealings with humanity. The love of God is most evident with the birth of Jesus Christ. Can anyone bring more pronounced peace other than that of the birth of Jesus; is He not the Prince of peace of Isaiah 9:6? God showered His divine love of eternality on creatures of Adam. What else can one expect from the LORD God who has a simple definition of “LOVE”? Read More