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Cain’s contribution


He thrives in the game of mendacity. The truth is that he cannot do otherwise. The path of credibility leads only to goodness, where Jehovah reigns supreme. Goodness nauseates what Lucifer had constituted for himself. Ergo, he trekked himself into the realm of obliquity. "I will give you kingdoms." "You will be gods to be worshipped!" The overwhelming potency of Lucifer's temptation was too much for the, already derailed, credulous angels. To their annihilation they followed the fraud of Satanism. Amen!Read More

Tenability Of Global Peace

1Thessalonians 5:3 reads, "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." This is the prophetic revelation uncovering the event of the second three and half years of the seven, satanic years rule of Satan's son. An unprecedented evil will be unleashed upon the people of the entire earth. The tenability of global serenity will continue to exist as a mirage until the true Governor of the nations comes to rule. Read More