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Colossians 3:18


The first thing of note is that marriage is expected to be contract of legality between two children of Jesus. I have always made the firm reiteration of the fact that marriage is truly an act between only Christians. It is God’s institution to propagate the earth with His covenantal people. The first marriage between the two Adams never experienced termination. Why? God will not involve two people who will destroy His institution. What did God do when the first humans committed the sin of death? He brought forth the lamb of propitiation, which is an adumbration of the Golgotha substitutionary death. The Golgotha phenomenon reestablished the marriage to the Lamb – a marriage that will never suffer termination. Are we ever going to have idiosyncratic differences with the Lord Jesus when we meet in heaven? It will never occur! The two marriage stabilizing verses, being God’s injunctions, have eternal consequence. Will two true Christians marry, the husband ready to shower the commitment of agapē, and the lady is duly, with all willingness, eager to hupotasso to the husband in all things as Ephesians 5:24 “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing” reads, and all other things will not fall in beautiful places? The word ‘subject’ of Ephesians 5:24 is also the Greek hupotasso. What are we to understand from this is that the wife’s submission is not intended to glorify or pamper the proclivity of the man’s idiosyncratic ego. I did not write the Bible, so I cannot be seen as being biased or chauvinistic. The husband, the man of the house, must bring the woman under his submission only according to the word of Christ so that his headship of the family will truly resemble the will of Jesus Christ for the Church.Read More

Do You Have To Marry To Prove A Point? (3)

As the champion of the family, every member follows his direction and steps. The wife is the first follower of the man. As the primary source of the Woman she must follow his instructions, or else, the word of God will not say, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord” (Colossians 3:18). Hupotassō (hoop-ot-as’-so) is the Greek for ‘submit yourselves’ and it means: ‘to arrange under, to subordinate; to subject, put in subjection.’ What is the Bible saying? The wife should package herself and place it under her husband. This is why I am always advising ladies never to marry someone to whom they cannot submit their intellectualism and persons. Do not, for this simple reason, marry a fool; he will rule you in stupidity throughout your marital life. Colossians 3:18 says, “…as it is fit in the Lord,” meaning: your husband cannot tell you, the wife, not to pray, praise or worship God. But he is scripturally, as the head of the family, authorized to tell you to stop your career! That family home is God’s house, the Creator dwells with you, therefore, any disobedience as far as the LORD is concerned, is an affront to the Author of the marriage institution. When the wife decides to have control of the family, she is wickedly changing the divine order of the institution; she is not different from Jezebel. Jezebel was both a princess and a priestess of Baal worship. Her father was Ethbaal, or Ithobal, king of Sidon and priest of Astarte. Ethbaal had murdered Phelles his predecessor. You cannot marry outside your Christian faith. Read More


Ephesians 5:21, “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.” This Pauline verse teaches humility among children of God. This submission finds itself in the locational sphere of reverence to the word of God. It is not borne out of guileful pleasing art. Colossians 3:18 “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.” Two things, I have always maintained, are the solutions to a successful marriage. The husband must love his wife; and the wife is scripturally expected to submit to her husband. ‘Submit’ in Greek is hupotasso (hï-po-tas'-sō): ‘1. to subordinate. 2. (reflexively) to obey.’ This Greek word comes from two roots of hupo (hï-po') prep. ‘1. under. 2. (of place, genitive) beneath;’ and tasso (tas'-sō): ‘to arrange in an orderly manner.’ When you put hupotasso together what it says to the wife is: ‘package yourself very well and place it under your husband.’ The husband is the head of the family. The Greek for ‘head’ is kephale (ke-fa-lee'), meaning ‘the head (as the part most readily taken hold of); origin and source.’Read More